“Awareness of human replacement by AI, fair compensation” Steven Yeun and John Cho reveal the reason for the American actors’ strike [28th BIFF]

Programmer Park Do-shin, director Justin Jeon, director Jeong Isaac, and actors Steven Yeun and John Cho (from left) attended the 'Korean Diaspora' press conference.  (Photo = Reporter Jeong Jin-young afreeca@edaily.co.kr)
Programmer Park Do-shin, director Justin Jeon, director Jeong Isaac, and actors Steven Yeun and John Cho (from left) attended the ‘Korean Diaspora’ press conference. (Photo = Reporter Jeong Jin-young afreeca@edaily.co.kr)

Actors Steven Yeun and John Cho spoke about the Screen Actors Guild strike.

Steven Yeun and John Cho were asked about the reason for the strike at the press conference for ‘Korean American Special Exhibition: Korean Diaspora’ held at the KNN Theater in Haeundae-gu, Busan on the afternoon of the 6th.

Steven Yeun said, “This strike started with the goal of ‘let’s speak out to protect artists’ and ‘let’s guarantee good conditions for writers and actors.’ “It means paying a fair income and acknowledging the individual’s life,” he said. “In fact, there are many writers and actors who do not have a safety net. “I am a privileged person just to be able to come here and talk about this,” he emphasized.

He added, “It is not appropriate to have no safety net when there is a storm coming for our business. “We want to secure their future and create a safety net,” he added.

John Cho criticized AI and said, “In the entertainment industry, as in other industries, there is a thing called automation. Through this, humans are being replaced by machines. “There are situations where people cannot do their jobs because of this AI,” he began.

He said, “Art is human expression. It expresses the human mind. “I think we should not take away the expressions that only humans can do,” he said. “What the union wants to do is to make this job we are doing into a professional field that only humans can do.” And there has to be that much compensation. “I hope that through this, we can continue to work and enable people to excel at what they do and continue to create better works of art.”

Audiences at the ’28th Busan International Film Festival’ can see various works by Korean Americans through the ‘Korean Diaspora’ program. The 28th Busan International Film Festival continues until the 13th.

Busan = Reporter Jeong Jin-young afreeca@edaily.co.kr

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