“If there are many boatmen, they go to the sea” Cravity overcomes slump and shows infinite growth in 4th year [TEN Interview]

[Ten Asia = Reporter Kim Se-ah]

CRAVITY / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

“Consistent comebacks are Cravity’s unique strength.”

Cravity, who returned with their 6th mini album ‘SUN SEEKER’ after 6 months, boasted of their consistency. As expected, Cravity has been consistently showing his face to fans since his debut, with his hiatus never exceeding a year.

Cravity, who debuted in April 2020, is already 4 years his senior since his debut this year. Cravity, now in his fourth year since his debut, said that a lot has changed since his debut.

CRAVITY / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Hyeongjun said, “Now that we’re in our 3rd or 4th year, it’s been a career where we can tell our own story. We also expressed our opinions on the direction of this concert, and we also expressed our opinions on the choreography of this title song. Our participation in the album is higher than when we debuted. “It has increased significantly. The company is listening to our opinions and working together to create it,” he said.

At the same time, he expressed his confidence, saying, “They say that if there are many boatmen, they will go to the mountains. But we will just go to the sea.”

CRAVITY Wonjin / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY Wonjin / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Wonjin continued, “Through many experiences, each person has their own thoughts, and I think we gained a lot by sharing them with 9 people. I think there has been more diversity in facial expressions and expressions on stage.”

Woobin said, “We had no experience, so at first we followed the company’s lead and gained know-how. At the same time, I think we grew through what we learned through conversations with the company. As time went by, we also came up with ideas and worked together to create good projects.””I don’t think the results came out,” he explained.

Even Cravity, who said they have grown enough to express their opinions to their agency, still have things they are not used to.

Cravity Hyeongjun / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
Cravity Hyeongjun / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Hyeongjun said, “When we go to music shows, junior groups come to say hello because we are in our 3rd or 4th year of existence. But it was so unfamiliar and embarrassing. It was amazing because it felt like we were gradually becoming seniors.”

Next, Allen and Taeyoung, who are MCs of Arirang TV’s music program ‘After School Club’, also said that the title ‘senior’ is still unfamiliar to them.

Cravity Allen / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
Cravity Allen / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Allen responded, “Every time a junior group gives me an album, they write ‘Senior’ on it. Every time I receive it, I’m very surprised because I think, ‘I’m still a growing bud, so you’re already a senior?’”

Cravity, who debuted when the coronavirus pandemic was in full swing, also confessed the difficulties they faced due to lack of opportunities to meet fans offline.

Cravity Serim / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
Cravity Serim / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Serim said, “I developed the dream of becoming a singer because I liked hearing cheers while participating in club activities when I was young. However, after debuting, it was difficult to hear cheers because I performed in an empty audience. The members also said that there were many difficulties because it was different from what they expected. “I do. I feel strong now because I hear the voices of my fans.”

Because she was forced to perform mostly in person, she said there were times when she felt like she was acting on stage. Wonjin said, “During Corona, when I was monitored on stage, I felt like I was acting with my facial expressions and words. I felt like I was acting with laughter and happiness on stage. When I met my fans, I realized that what I was doing at that time was acting. “At that time, I felt strange about my appearance,” he confessed.

Wonjin continued, “I think I had a lot of bad feelings because the reality (on stage) was different from what I imagined. However, those feelings were relieved when I met the fans. When there were no fans in the audience, I thought, ‘I have to look like this now.’ “I started thinking, ‘I have to sing these lyrics,’” he said, confessing his difficulties so far.

Despite such difficulties, Cravity, which has continued to work without a long hiatus, all mentioned that the members and fans were a great driving force in their activities.

Cravity Minhee / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
Cravity Minhee / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Minhee said, “I think we can make a steady comeback thanks to the fans who wait for us. The members are the driving force. We looked forward to seeing us dancing and singing together, so we ended up having fun doing it.”

Taeyoung agreed, “I have the same thoughts. There are times when we have worries and slumps while working. Because we are a group of people, we encourage each other when things are difficult, creating synergy and becoming a driving force.”

CRAVITY Taeyoung / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY Taeyoung / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Taeyoung added, “I think each member has experienced a slump at least once.” In response, Minhee said, “It was because I couldn’t meet her fans during the coronavirus period.”

The members said they were inspired by the achievements of other prominent 4th generation boy groups, but also emphasized Cravity’s unique strengths.

Taeyoung said, “I think our greatest achievement would be our consistent comebacks so far. I think we have continued to grow through consistent comebacks. I think that alone is a great achievement. Watching the achievements of the 4th generation idols was definitely stimulating, but it was actually a member “We were able to work together,” he said confidently.

CRAVITY / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Cravity has been meeting fans in the United States and Asia through its first world tour since its debut, ‘2023 CRAVITY THE 1ST WORLD TOUR ‘MASTERPIECE’.

How was your first world tour? Serim said, “Because we debuted in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, our fans felt far away. Fans overseas always leave a lot of messages saying they want to see us through communication apps, and by doing a world tour, we can feel the hearts of the fans who have been waiting for us from afar up close. “I hope there will be more opportunities to meet fans from countries I couldn’t visit this time,” he said.

Additionally, the members unanimously said that they felt more relaxed on stage than when they first debuted. Serim expressed confidence, “I feel like I’ve gained more leisure time while performing in many countries through the world tour. You’ll be able to see a more relaxed side of me in this album.”

On the other hand, they also said that they felt that they were lacking through the world tour. Wonjin said, “I asked a lot of questions to my senior at the company, Monsta “It’s more,” he answered, causing laughter.

Wonjin continued, “Just starting the tour, it wasn’t easy from adjusting to the time difference to controlling my physical condition.

CRAVITY Woobin / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY Woobin / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Woobin continued, “We didn’t think the language barrier was that big because we were people who presented music and stage. However, we still felt the language barrier. No matter which city we went to, we studied the etiquette and culture of that place. “I tend to go on stage. Next time I go, I want to study the language and culture of that country more,”he said with regret.

CRAVITY Jeongmo / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY Jeongmo / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

When asked if there was a stage he would like to stand on, Jeongmo said, “I couldn’t go to Europe this time, but if I get the chance next time, I would like to go to Europe as well. When I went to Madrid, London, and Paris for events, the European fans also supported me hard, so I will definitely repay them. “I want to give it to you,” he said, expressing his gratitude.

What is the goal of Cravity, who cited consistency as their strength? Seongmin said, “Right now, we are trying to show a refreshing concept, but we want to show a variety of concepts without being limited. There are many messages we want to convey. There are many achievements that we were unable to achieve as Cravity, so we will work hard among the members during the remaining period of activity. “I want to produce good results,” he said, expressing his ambition.

CRAVITY Seongmin / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment
CRAVITY Seongmin / Photo provided by Starship Entertainment

Jungmo also said, “I want to release a lot of theme songs or hit songs that come to mind when I think of Cravity.” Taeyoung expressed his simple wish, saying, “I want to work harmoniously for a long time like now.”

Cravity was also dreaming of winning first place on music shows and music charts, which is the goal of all idol groups. Taeyoung mentioned her honest goal, saying, “Last time I didn’t get first place on Mu Bang by a really narrow margin, but this time I really want to get first place on a music show.”

Alan then replied, “I hope that the public will listen to our song by hitting the music charts. I hope that many people will feel comforted, happy, and have a positive influence after listening to our song.”

Woobin also said, “We are the kings of communication. We communicate closely with our fans and talk about everyday things a lot. We also have a lot of content and our own entertainment shows. I hope you can see the chemistry between the members a lot. We are good on stage, but we also have human cravity off stage. “Our strength is that we are a group of good people and people who like to communicate,” he said confidently.

Serim said, “Fans often say that we seem close to each other. We are really close even when there are no cameras. So I think the chemistry that comes out like that is also felt by people who watch the content.”

Seongmin said, “Before a comeback or an important schedule, we all get together and give feedback, and when we need to express our opinions to the company, we all gather our opinions together and speak to the company. Our biggest strength is holding family meetings.” I answered.

Finally, Jeongmo said, “I always tell my fans to experience new things and make a lot of good memories, and I want to have fun with my fans in this promotion as well, healthy and without anyone getting hurt.”

Cravity’s sixth mini album ‘SUN SEEKER’ will be released on various online music sites at 6 PM on September 11th.

Kim Se-ah, Ten Asia reporter haesmik@tenasia.co.kr

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