Bosch, Continental, ZF, happy screams as Chinese cars emerge…Why?

Continental, CoSmA UWB(Ultra-wideband)
Continental, CoSmA UWB(Ultra-wideband)

[Daily Car Reporter Park Kyung-soo] The proportion of German auto parts companies supplying to Chinese automakers is increasing.

Germany’s Handelsblatt reported on the 15th that “the volume of orders from Chinese automakers to major German auto parts companies such as Bosch, Continental, and ZF is increasing significantly.”

According to this report, the current growth rate of orders from Chinese manufacturers to three German parts companies has exceeded the growth rate of orders from three German parts companies, including BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen.

Bosch autonomous driving technology (IAA Transportation 2022)
Bosch autonomous driving technology (IAA Transportation 2022)

Bosch supplies driver assistance systems to MG Motors, a subsidiary of Shanghai Automobile in China. Continental is supplying large quantities to Changan Automobile. These are mainly brake force distributors and traction control parts.

“Competition is always beneficial,” said Bosch CEO Stefan Hartung. “The same goes for Chinese car manufacturers that are introducing electric car models in the German and European markets.”

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