Hyundai Motor Group completes HMGICS in Singapore… ‘Manufacturing Innovation Challenge’

Hyundai Motor Group opened the Hyundai Motor Group Global Innovation Center (HMGICS) in Singapore’s Jurong Innovation District on the 21st.

Hyundai Motor Group HMGICS completion ceremony
Hyundai Motor Group HMGICS completion ceremony

HMGICS is a test bed for demonstrating future mobility. Hyundai Motor Group plans to study intelligent automated manufacturing platforms, multi-product flexible production systems, and customer experience-based sales models here. Through this, the plan is to achieve innovation in three areas, including R&D, manufacturing, and business, and secure growth engines.

Hyundai Motor Group Chairman Chung Eui-sun said in his welcoming speech, “Singapore and Hyundai Motor Group have a common innovation DNA that moves toward a better future,” and “Based on this spirit, we aim to achieve innovation through new, people-centered technologies.” He said. She continued, “I am confident that through HMGICS, we can create innovative mobility solutions that can bring about positive change in human development.”

HMGICS was built on a site of approximately 44,000 m2 (13,000 pyeong) in the Jurong Innovation District, with a total floor area of ​​approximately 90,000 m2 (27,000 pyeong), two underground levels, and seven above-ground floors. It consists of a complex space equipped with all facilities in one building, including small-scale manufacturing facilities, workspace for research and development and office work, and customer experience facilities.

Hyundai Motor Group HMGICS
Hyundai Motor Group HMGICS

The core of the production facility is the cell system. It is a system that can produce mobility according to various vehicle demands in circular cells instead of conveyor belts. Even if the number of vehicle models produced increases, planning and production time can be shortened with an optimized algorithm.

We also built a data platform that can standardize and manage all information generated in the business area. A 5G communication network was built throughout the building to create an environment that can quickly transmit and analyze data in real time, and a meta factory that allows factory monitoring, simulation, and control in a virtual 3D space was also built based on digital twin technology.

The organic connection between robots and people is also a feature of HMGICS. Using digital twins, when workers give instructions in a virtual space, robots deployed in each process, such as parts, car body, and assembly, calculate the optimal timing and path and perform work.

In the purchasing field, the entire process from ordering to delivery was structured around consumers to provide new value and experience. You can easily order a vehicle online by applying specifications such as trim, color, and options through a smartphone, etc., and the vehicle produced through this will be moved to the 620m-long Sky Track located on the roof of the building for driving testing. Customers can also experience a test drive at Skytrack.

Hyundai Motor Group HMGICS completion ceremony
Hyundai Motor Group HMGICS completion ceremony

In the customer experience space, we provide a service that allows you to experience the process of creating a vehicle in a virtual space through a VR tour, and after the tour, you can see the actual smart factory where cars are produced.

Meanwhile, at the completion ceremony on this day, Hyundai Motor Group also signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Agency for Science and Technology (A*star), a technology development research center under Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry. Through this, we plan to establish Singapore’s first joint research center between universities, government, and companies, and use Singapore’s outstanding talent to research next-generation autonomous production operating systems such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and metaverse.

Hyundai Motor Company President Jang Jae-hoon said, “Hyundai Motor Group plans to continue various collaboration strategies with Singapore to develop future mobility production and technological innovation solutions and build and develop a sustainable ecosystem.” “We will continue to strive to present a mobility paradigm,” he said.

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