[Reporter’s Note] Yunseok Train with light green license plate, final stop is Andromeda?

Yook Dong-yoon, global economics reporter
Yook Dong-yoon, global economics reporter

Presidential promises make many things possible and also make many things impossible. It has already been more than two years since the story of the light green license plate for corporate cars that President Yoon Seok-yeol brought out during his candidacy came out. ‘Effectiveness’ has always been pointed out, but in fact, the problem lies in ‘effectiveness’. Placing a water purifier in a lake because of a few loaches is itself a waste of energy and emotional consumption.

Anyway, this bill has now come to fruition. Starting January 1st of next year, corporate cars worth more than 80 million won will have light green license plates. Anything below that is not handled. It is clear that the son of a wealthy person would be embarrassed if he went out in a Porsche. But was it really necessary to put in such great effort to prevent this? Wouldn’t it be better to ask a private investigator to uncover ‘part’ and ‘earn’ the reward money? There really isn’t much to do.

In the future, many Porsche vehicles will have light green license plates, or else Porsche Korea’s performance may decline significantly. Is it only Porsche? The targets are cars that are difficult to even look at, such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Bentley, Lamborghini, Ferrari, etc., whose sales have recently been at a high level. Brands that see market potential and sell supercars worth hundreds of millions of won, such as the new Lotus, are also in trouble.

At this point, you might want to think the other way around. This is ‘consumption contraction’. Wouldn’t the economy be better if rich people spend their money like water? People who are going to buy it will say, ‘I don’t care,’ but surprisingly, there are more people who are. It arose from the spirit of self-reliance among those involved when the corporate car issue arose in the first place. Or no, they will definitely research other expedients. What I’m thinking of right now is how to cover it up with a blue license plate.

In the end, this light green license plate bill was merely a one-time smokescreen for a presidential election pledge (the fact that it does not apply retroactively makes this hypothesis sufficiently persuasive). There are politicians who take the same view regarding the issue of Gimpo’s incorporation into Seoul. In many ways, reporters also have opposing opinions.

As an example, it is interesting to look at electric vehicle subsidies. When you buy a passenger electric car, Gimpo City gives up to 10.3 million won, including national and local funds, but Seoul City gives 8.3 million won, which is 2 million won less. Even though many Gimpo citizens commute to Seoul.

There is no major improvement in public transportation either. Dramatic changes in real estate prices cannot be expected (in fact, it may have the opposite effect. You can guess this by looking at some areas in Gangseo), and the only good thing about Gimpo being incorporated into Seoul is the small pride of being a Seoul citizen. And the city of Seoul collects taxes… If Governor Kim Dong-yeon does not like Governor Kim Dong-yeon very much on a human level, I will actively support the opinion in favor of it.

Yook Dong-yoon, Global Motors Reporter ydy332@g-enews.com

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