‘1947 Boston’ Im Si-wan “Before filming, diet + exercise, body fat up to 6%” [ST on-site]

1947 Boston Im Si-wan / Photo = Reporter Kwon Gwang-il
1947 Boston Im Si-wan / Photo = Reporter Kwon Gwang-il

[Sports Today Reporter Seo Ji-hyun] ‘1947 Boston’ Im Si-wan revealed how he prepared for the role of a marathoner.

On the afternoon of the 11th, a press screening for the movie ‘1947 Boston’ (directed by Kang Je-gyu, produced by BA Entertainment) was held at the Lotte Cinema Konkuk University entrance in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul. Director Kang Je-gyu and actors Ha Jung-woo, Im Si-wan, and Kim Sang-ho were present at the scene.

On this day, Im Si-wan said, for the role of marathoner Seo Yun-bok in the work, “In terms of appearance, the most time-consuming work was, of course, diet and exercise.”He added, “I always ate chicken breast and salad from before I started filming until the end. I also exercised every day. “I should have done that. I didn’t want my muscles to look firm, so I tried to keep them in a bulging state by continuing to exercise between cuts.”

He continued, “It wasn’t my goal, but while exercising, I tried to make my appearance as similar to Seo Yun-bok as possible. Then, I measured my body fat and it came out to be 6%. I didn’t aim for that, but as I tried to look like him, I lost weight for the first time in my life. “I saw the number 6%. I remember being amazed,” he confessed.

Regarding the behind-the-scenes casting, director Kang Je-gyu said, “What I thought was most important was how to have a high level of synchronization with the real person in order for the audience to assimilate into that character.” He added, “I thought they had to resemble many aspects, both physically and externally. “In particular, don’t Asians have longer waists than other athletes? Seo Yun-bok had a long lower body, so although he was petite, he had an advantageous physique as a marathoner.”

Director Kang Je-gyu said, “His overall breathing, pace, and the feel of his muscles were very horse-like, and he was a naturally muscular marathoner.” “He had the part well,” he added.

‘1947 Boston’ contains the challenges and thrilling journey of marathoners to participate in international competitions wearing the Taegeuk symbol for the first time after liberation in 1947. It opens on the 27th.

[Sports Today Reporter Seo Ji-hyun ent@stoo.com]

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