[2023 K Forum] Pop artist Charles Jang “It’s the copy, good content can’t grow”

[2023 K Forum] ‘Korea is a brand’ The ‘2023 K Forum’, co-hosted by Daily Sports and The Economist, was held at the Grand Ballroom of JW Marriott Hotel Seoul in Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 11th.  Pop artist Charles Jang is discussing K Art's topic 'Create a business through collaboration.'  Meanwhile, the 2023 K Forum is sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.  Reporter Seo Byeong-su qudtn@edaily.co.kr /2023.09.11/
[2023 K Forum] ‘Korea is a brand’ The ‘2023 K Forum’, co-hosted by Daily Sports and The Economist, was held at the Grand Ballroom of JW Marriott Hotel Seoul in Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 11th. Pop artist Charles Jang is discussing K Art’s topic ‘Create a business through collaboration.’ Meanwhile, the 2023 K Forum is sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. Reporter Seo Byeong-su qudtn@edaily.co.kr /2023.09.11/

Pop artist Charles Chang pointed out, “Good content cannot grow because of copy.”

On the 11th, the ‘2023 K Forum’, co-hosted by entertainment sports newspaper Daily Sports and economic weekly magazine The Economist, was held at the Grand Ballroom of JW Marriott Hotel Seoul in Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul. The ‘2023 K Forum’ is sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.

Charles Chang pointed out that as the status of K content increases, good content loses its viability and falls apart easily due to copying. He compared K content to a flower plant and said, “When a flower grows well in nature and starts to attract attention, people pull it out,” and “Because they pull it out before it grows, it is difficult for it to grow on its own.”

He continued, “There is a lot of great content in our country,” and “If you post it on social media, anyone from all over the world can see it.” Therefore, there are many cases of copying and the content falls apart. “The content should be made public after it grows and matures, but there are cases where that is not possible,” he said, conveying the mood of the industry.

[2023 K Forum] ‘Korea is a brand’ The ‘2023 K Forum’, co-hosted by Daily Sports and The Economist, was held at the Grand Ballroom of JW Marriott Hotel Seoul in Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 11th.  Producer Kim Hyeong-seok, actor and art writer Hwang Bo-ra, pop artist Charles Jang, global art advisor Park Min-kyung, and Gyeongnam Pharmaceutical Square team leader Myung Ji-yoon are discussing K Art's topic of 'Create a business through collaboration.'  Meanwhile, the 2023 K Forum is sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups.  Reporter Seo Byeong-su qudtn@edaily.co.kr /2023.09.11/
[2023 K Forum] ‘Korea is a brand’ The ‘2023 K Forum’, co-hosted by Daily Sports and The Economist, was held at the Grand Ballroom of JW Marriott Hotel Seoul in Sinbanpo-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 11th. Producer Kim Hyeong-seok, actor and art writer Hwang Bo-ra, pop artist Charles Jang, global art advisor Park Min-kyung, and Gyeongnam Pharmaceutical Square team leader Myung Ji-yoon are discussing K Art’s topic of ‘Create a business through collaboration.’ Meanwhile, the 2023 K Forum is sponsored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. Reporter Seo Byeong-su qudtn@edaily.co.kr /2023.09.11/

In addition, Charles Chang also revealed an actual case of experiencing a changed status of our country. “When you go to an art fair these days, there are people who recognize you first, unlike before. “They said they were following my SNS,” he said. “I felt that interest in Korean content had increased.”

The ‘2023 K Forum’ is an opportunity to point out the current status of K content and K brands, which have achieved remarkable results around the world with the slogan ‘Korea is the Brand’, and share meaningful discussions for a better future.

In session 4, titled ‘K-Art, create a business through collaboration’, we will talk about business possibilities through collaboration between art and industrial brands. In particular, session 4 was chaired by producer Kim Hyeong-seok, known as a hit song maker, and actress Hwang Bo-ra, pop artist Charles Jang, global art advisor Park Min-kyung, and Gyeongnam Pharmaceutical Square team leader Myung Ji-yoon were invited as speakers.

This session pointed out cases of brand collaboration between artists, which can be considered one of the major achievements of K-Art globalization in the era of integration of art, culture, brand, and technology, and discussed the direction of development.

Reporter Yoo Ji-hee yjhh@edaily.co.kr

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