AKMU Lee Su-hyun “I’ve felt a variety of emotions over the past 3 years of my slump, and I’m looking forward to what kind of song I’ll sing after overcoming it” (4 o’clock)


[News Reporter Jang Ye-sol]

AKMU’s Lee Su-hyun confessed that she is overcoming a slump.

Akmu, who returned with the new song ‘Love Lee’, appeared on MBC FM4U’s ‘It’s Yoon Do-hyun at 4 O’clock’, which aired on September 11th.

On this day, Lee Soo-hyun said that she was overcoming a slump and confessed, “Slumps happen to everyone, right? It happened to me too, for about three years. If I had not been able to find a direction on where to go during this time, I was able to find a direction through this ‘Love Lee’ promotion.”

Lee Soo-hyun said, “I had a lot of bad emotions, but I was feeling stable within them. I started to feel more and more uncomfortable, and I felt the need for change. I had a lot of positive thoughts about how to take direction, so I was overcoming it well.”.

Yoon Do-hyun showed sympathy, saying, “These are concerns that anyone who makes music can face. In a way, it’s growing pains, but it’s difficult to gain enlightenment without experiencing such things.”He continued, “I also went through a lot of slumps. I thought a lot about ‘Can I continue?’. After going through such difficult moments, you become stronger little by little.”

Lee Soo-hyun confessed, “I grew up receiving a lot of love in a happy family. Pure, untainted songs were my strengths, but I also wanted to have depth. I also wanted to sing songs that could measure sadness and pain, but my life didn’t have many ups and downs.”

He continued, “A slump came when I thought, ‘How long will I have to sing only light songs like this?’ Over the course of three years, I realized various emotions and experienced many things, and the scope of my singing became much wider. After overcoming this slump, “I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of song I can sing,” he added.

(Photo = MBC FM4U ‘At 4 o’clock, I’m Yoon Do-hyun’ capture)

In the news, Jang Ye-sol imyesol@

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