Baek Ji-young, trying again for her 7-year-old daughter’s private kindergarten, “Sigh, wake up and think?”

(Photo = Baek Ji-young channel video capture)
(Photo = Baek Ji-young channel video capture)
(Photo = Baek Ji-young channel video capture)
(Photo = Baek Ji-young channel video capture)

[Reporter Lee Ha-na for Newsen]

Baek Ji-young revealed her daughter’s plan to enter private kindergarten.

On January 19th, Baek Ji-young’s channel posted ‘Watch it when you don’t have an appetite! A video titled ‘Celebrity Secret Cooking That Will Bring Back Your Appetite’ was released.

In the video, Baek Ji-young made holiday food with the staff. One staff member’s New Year’s wish was “Baek Ji-young’s health.” When she said, “That’s the only one,” Baek Ji-young burst into laughter and said, “I canceled a few filming because I was sick, so it seems like her health is important?”

He continued, “This time, I really felt the importance of health. You really shouldn’t be overconfident. I thought, ‘Because I’m healthy,’ and then one day, he suddenly came. Until last year, we performed well without any problems. But this time it’s real,” he added.

Baek Ji-young, who prepared all the holiday food, said, “Even if Haim asked me to make it, I wouldn’t make it. “Money is good,” he said, feeling the power of PPL.

Lastly, Baek Ji-young predicted her future with a prophecy book. Baek Ji-young said, “Haim will try to add another private institution in 2024. “Do you think Haim will be accepted to private kindergarten?” he asked. Baek Ji-young responded to the result, ‘If you are negligent toward yourself, you will become negligent toward everyone.’ “You don’t understand what I’m saying. “You,” he said in bewilderment, “I turned it around and it said, ‘Sigh, wake up and think’?”

In the news, Lee Ha-na bliss21@

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