“Bong Joon-ho, this works” ‘Deadman’, the passion that reached Cho Jin-woong’s coffin [comprehensive]

▲ Deadman production presentation. ⓒReporter Eunbi Yoo
▲ Deadman production presentation. ⓒReporter Eunbi Yoo

[SPOTV News = Reporter Yoo Eun-bi] Deadman, a movie recognized by Bong Joon-ho, is coming to theaters during the Lunar New Year holiday with the unprecedented collaboration of Cho Jin-woong and Kim Hee-ae.

Movie ‘Deadman’ The production presentation was held at Megabox Seongsu in Seoul on the morning of the 19th. On this day, actors Cho Jin-woong, Kim Hee-ae, Lee Soo-kyung, and director Ha Jun-won attended the site and shared various stories about the work.

‘Deadman’ is about a so-called barge boss ace who makes money by living up to his name, and after being falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won and forced to live as a ‘dead man’, he tracks down people who are entangled with just one name to regain the life that was stolen from them. This is a story about starting out.

Cho Jin-woong, who plays the role of Lee Man-jae, a man who went from being the ace of the business world to becoming a dead man after being falsely accused, said about his character, “It’s a name that says, ‘You’ll get rich in 10,000 days, make a lot of money and live,’ but I think he’s a person who can’t live the things that would be good if he lived up to his name.””he explained.

Regarding the character’s situation, Cho Jin-woong said, “I’m holding on and doing this and that, but it doesn’t work out. Living in this world is not easy. After selling and selling, I ended up selling my name, and the price of the name was 5 million won, which was the money of hope for me.”He said, “Under that name, he became a fraudster who embezzled 100 billion won and ruined my life. He wanted to find out what was behind this incident and wanted to die to find it. “he explained.

Regarding the topic of ‘Deadman’, Cho Jin-woong said, ‘I felt it was a very well-made story. He said, “I didn’t think it was a true story,”and, “I thought that if this was going to be reported, it was a widespread story, so I should keep my head straight.”

He continued, “The director meticulously researched for about 5 years to create this story. He chose the perfection of the script as his reason for appearing, saying, “It was a very attractive script because the director’s meticulousness in designing the scenario was incorporated and the characters were able to explain the story category well.”

Director Ha Jun-won said about this reporting process, “It was not easy to cover because the CEOs did not reveal their identities often. It was dangerous reporting. As the reporting period became longer, it took 5 years and a large amount of data, but he explained, “I tried to make a movie that everyone could enjoy.”

▲ Deadman Cho Jin-woong. Provided| Plus M Entertainment
▲ Deadman Cho Jin-woong. Provided| Plus M Entertainment

Cho Jin-woong, who has shown great chemistry with male actors, became the clear standout between Kim Hee-ae and Lee Soo-kyung in ‘Deadman’. He said, “People who have eaten meat eat it, but I didn’t know that because I didn’t do it that much.””I found out today,” he said, adding, “I also wish I had made a difference.” “I was in a role where I was so low down that it was a visual that would be a nuisance to be around,” he said, causing laughter by self-destructing.

Regarding Lee Man-jae, who Cho Jin-woong will portray, Kim Hee-ae said, “Cho Jin-woong has done a lot of works, but I think ‘Deadman’ will be the work that best shows Cho Jin-woong’s charm,”and said, “It’s the first time.”It goes from above to the abyss while being dragged out from above. It goes into the coffin. He raised expectations by saying, “I am looking forward to showing the most attractive side of the movie ‘Deadman’ from beginning to end.”

▲ Deadman Kim Hee-ae. Provided| Plus M Entertainment
▲ Deadman Kim Hee-ae. Provided| Plus M Entertainment

Kim Hee-ae played the role of Mrs. Shim, the best consultant in politics. He said, “He was a character I had never heard of. He is a political consultant and is the person who brings Lee Man-jae, who was falsely accused of embezzling 100 billion won, to the world. “She was so attractive that it was the kind of role any actress would covet,” she explained.

Next, regarding the casting process for Ms. Shim’s character, she said, “I heard about it before, and I showed it to director Bong Joon-ho because the director co-wrote ‘The Monster’ and we are friends with him.”They discussed which actor would be good for each character, but they couldn’t think of an actor who would play the character of Mrs. Shim. “It’s a character that doesn’t exist in Korea,” he said, adding, “So they gave me the script, and I translated it into Korean and created the character of Mrs. Shim, and it was a very mysterious and precious role.”

‘Deadman’ When asked to pick the character with the highest synchronization rate, he said, “I want to be me. Kim Hee-ae, who began her story jokingly by saying, “My wish,” chose Choi Soo-young, an actress from Girls’ Generation, and said, “How is Choi Soo-young, who played the role of a hipster, so good at singing and acting?” She was praised, saying, “She was chic and very attractive, like the MZ generation.”

▲ Deadman Steel. Provided| Plus M Entertainment
▲ Deadman Steel. Provided| Plus M Entertainment

Lee Soo-kyung, who plays the role of Gong Hee-joo, who tracks down Lee Man-jae’s identity, said, “I’m not a hot person, so I tried to figure out how to raise my lukewarm temperature.””I did a lot of research to see what the YouTubers who run these channels talk about,” he said.

Regarding her feelings about working with her seniors Jo Jin-woong and Kim Hee-ae, Lee Soo-kyung said, “When I was attending acting academy in middle school, I was asked to pick an actress I wanted to become, and I chose senior Kim Hee-ae. Even when she was actually filming, the senior watched her right in front of her, thinking she was a really cool actress. Senior Cho Jin-woong is ‘a deep-rooted tree’ He expressed his overwhelming feelings, saying, “I’ve been such a fan since then that I saved the meme and used it as my wallpaper.”

▲ Deadman production presentation. ⓒReporter Eunbi Yoo
▲ Deadman production presentation. ⓒReporter Eunbi Yoo

Director Ha Jun-won said, “Everyone is born with a name and lives with responsibility for that name. However, as you live, you come across many people who cannot take responsibility, he said. ‘Deadman’ pointing out real-life problems. The reason for deciding on the topic was explained.

Director Ha Jun-won, who co-wrote the movie ‘Monster’ with director Bong Joon-ho, what did director Bong Joon-ho say after reading the script? He said, “Director Bong Joon-ho reads the script and speaks intuitively. He raised expectations by saying, “He gives me a lot of advice on the specific direction or casting for the script, and he said he thought he would be included in this work, which was a big help.”

The movie ‘Deadman’ will be released on February 7th.

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