Cho Jin-woong, first thoughts on the ‘Hong Beom-do controversy’ “The answer itself is terrible… I’m laughing because it’s so absurd” [SC Issue]


[Sports Reporter Lee Woo-joo] Actor Cho Jin-woong spoke out for the first time in the entertainment industry about the controversy over the relocation of the bust of General Hong Beom-do.

Cho Jin-woong opened up for the first time about the controversy related to General Hong Beom-do through an interview with News Tomato on the 11th. Cho Jin-woong is the first person in the entertainment industry to comment on this controversy. Cho Jin-woong said, “When a person expresses an opinion or thought about a certain situation, or when there is an argument due to doubt or controversy, the topic must be accurate and universally valid. However, this situation is not included in the scope of logical standards in the normal category.”He expressed his honest feelings, saying, “It is miserable to answer these questions on my own.”

Next, Cho Jin-woong said, “To those who raised questions, have you truly understood the great intentions of our ancestors who risked their lives to build this country?” and “Are we confident in this land that we risked our lives to protect? This is an emotional appeal.” “Is this the right place to be at this time?” he said. “I won’t be heartbroken, I won’t hit the bare ground with my fists, I won’t drink and lament. I’ll just smile. I’ll laugh because it’s absurd. I’ll laugh because I can’t raise my head.” I expressed my frustration.


Cho Jin-woong appeared as an independence fighter in films such as ‘Captain Kim Chang-soo’ and ‘Assassination’, and is a representative patriotic star in the entertainment industry who participated in the process of returning General Hong Beom-do’s remains to Korea as a national special envoy. Cho Jin-woong, who went to Kazakhstan and personally enshrined the remains of General Hong Beom-do, said, “I think it is shameful and it is too late, but it is an honor to be able to honor them like this.”Afterwards, Cho Jin-woong attended the burial ceremony held in Korea and expressed his feelings, “As a South Korean, my heart was touched as I encountered the general’s traces and the countless people who remembered and mourned his traces.”

Meanwhile, the Military Academy recently sparked controversy by announcing that it would remove the bust of General Hong Beom-do from the school on the grounds that “it is not appropriate for the military academy to commemorate a person with various controversies, such as his membership and activities in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.”Next, the Ministry of National Defense also added to the controversy by revealing that it was considering relocating the bust of General Hong Beom-do, and that it was also considering changing the name of the Navy’s Hong Beom-do ship. However, the Navy expressed its official position, saying, “We are not reviewing it.” Among these, Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo announced his intention to abolish General Hongbeom-do Road in Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, and the General Hong Beom-do Memorial Association held a citizen walking event on General Hongbeom-do Road on the 10th to express its opposition to the relocation of the bust.

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