Chow Yun-fat, who criticized “China’s censorship is very high,” is his personal safety threatened? [MD Issue [(Comprehensive)

Chow Yun-fat / Busan Reporter Song Il-seop
Chow Yun-fat / Busan Reporter Song Il-seop

[My Daily = Reporter Kwak Myeong-dong] While Hong Kong’s top star Chow Yun-fat (67) criticized China’s strict censorship at the Busan International Film Festival on the 5th, concerns were raised that he could get into trouble with his remarks.

The Voice of America (VOA) reported on the 6th that “Chow Yun-Fat lamented the Chinese government’s strict censorship, and netizens were worried that he would get in trouble for his remarks.”

At a press conference held at the Busan International Film Festival the day before, Chow Yun-Fat announced that “there is a lot of censorship”in the Hong Kong film industry. “So, to make a movie, you have to go through several departments to get approval. Currently, there are a lot of restrictions.”

“A lot has changed since 1997. We have to pay attention to the direction of the government. This is very important. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fully finance our films,” he said. “We will continue to find solutions to survive.” “We are working hard,” he said.

He said, “It is a difficult moment, but I am doing my best. “I try to make films that keep the spirit of Hong Kong alive,” he emphasized.

1997 was the year when Hong Kong’s sovereignty was returned from Britain to China, and some say that Hong Kong films entered a recession around this time.

In particular, with the enactment of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020 and the enactment of an amendment to the Film Act the following year banning the screening of films ‘deemed to be against the interests of national security’, further restrictions were imposed.

Chow Yun-Fat expressed his envy at Korean films without censorship.

When asked, “What do you think is the driving force behind the rise of Korean film?”he responded, “I think Korea has a high degree of creative freedom. Sometimes, when I look at it, I think, ‘Huh? They can handle this kind of material?’ So, I too. “I like Korean movies,” he added.

Chow Yun-fat / Busan Reporter Song Il-seop
Chow Yun-fat / Busan Reporter Song Il-seop

Regarding Chow Yun-fat’s remarks, VOA said, “Some netizens were worried about Chow Yun-fat’s safety, saying he could be punished by the Communist Party.”

Meanwhile, Chow Yun-Fat’s remarks about Chinese censorship were heavily reported by leading American media outlets such as Variety and Screen Daily. 

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