‘Chungking Sanglim’ Wang Fei is prettier without makeup… Makeup artist ‘recognizes’ [Look@China]


[TV Report = Reporter Kim Hyeon-jae] Sometimes too much can be toxic.

Jing, a famous Hong Kong-based makeup artist, is famous for his work on famous actors Xu Qi, Wang Fei, and Jeong Su-wen. He recently appeared on ‘ALA LOLO’, an online content channel, and talked about the difficulty of making pretty people stand out.

In particular, he selected Wang Fei, who gained explosive popularity with the movies ‘In the Mood for Love’ and ‘Chungking Express’, as one of the stars who had the most difficult makeup. “Putting makeup on beautiful people is not as easy as painting,”Jing said, adding that the first time she worked with her, she had quite a few challenges. As a result, Wang Fei said she would never hire Jing as a makeup artist again.

Jing smiled and expressed confidence in his own skills, saying, “In the end, she hired me again, right?”

He said many stars are actually beautiful without makeup and that his job is to help them look better on camera.

He confessed that at first he produced poor results because he pursued universal beauty in order to fulfill his role as a makeup artist, and was surprised to hear that he now sometimes decides not to wear makeup.

Jing recalled the experience of telling singer Yeo-myeong, who came to see him for a performance that day, “You don’t need makeup,”and said, “You have to trust your own judgment, not the products I use. It’s not the cosmetics, it’s because you hired me,”and said, “I am a professional.”He also exuded confidence.

Reporter Kim Hyeon-jae khj@tvreport.co.kr / Photo = Movie ‘Chungking Sanglim’, Wang Fei social media

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