‘Crime City 4’ is the first series to be invited to the Berlin International Film Festival, “a lively combination of action and comedy”

Poster for the movie ‘Crime City 4’
Poster for the movie ‘Crime City 4’

[News Reporter Bae Hyo-joo]

Ma Dong-seok’s ‘Crime City 4’ was officially invited to the Berlinale Special Gala section of the 74th Berlin International Film Festival. It is the first work in the Korean film series.

The movie ‘Crime City 4’ (directed by Heo Myung-haeng) is about the monster detective Ma Seok-do (Ma Dong-seok) who runs a large-scale online illegal gambling organization and the villain Baek Chang-gi (Kim Mu-yeol), a former special forces mercenary who runs a large-scale online illegal gambling organization and is a genius CEO in the IT industry. A film depicting the return of Jang Soo (Park Ji-hwan) against Jang Dong-cheol (Lee Dong-hwi), and the crime-fighting operation carried out with the Gwangsoo Unit & Cyber ​​Team.

It was announced that it has been officially invited to the Berlinale Special Gala section of the 74th Berlin International Film Festival, which will be held from February 15th to 25th. The Berlin International Film Festival is considered one of the world’s three major film festivals, along with the Cannes International Film Festival and the Venice International Film Festival.

In particular, the Berlinale Special Gala section, to which ‘Crime City 4’ was invited, is one of the representative programs of the film festival that introduces a variety of works that combine artistic quality and entertainment that can communicate with the public most widely. ‘Crime City 4’ is the first film in the series to be invited, making it even more meaningful.

Programmer Mark Peransson expressed great expectations, saying, “The Berlin International Film Festival is the place where we can most effectively showcase the charm of ‘Crime City 4’, which has a lively combination of action and comedy.” (Photo = ABIO Entertainment, PlusM Entertainment)

Bae Hyo-joo hyo@ in the news

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