Even children cried out in tears.. Protect ‘this kind of thing happens in the world’! One voice against the abolition of viewers [SC Issue]


[Sports Chosun.com Reporter Lee Ge-eun] With SBS’ long-running current affairs and culture program ‘Capturing the Moment, This Happens in the World’ is on the verge of being abolished, even child viewers are speaking out against its abolition.

17th ‘Capture the moment, this is what happens in the world’ On the viewer bulletin board of the official website, a post titled ‘Even 9-year-old children are absolutely against abolition’ was posted.

The author said, “This is what happened in the world’ with the article. I was so surprised to see that the program was being abolished. “It’s a favorite program from my mother and father’s generation to my daughter (1st grade)… My daughter was especially sad and asked me to write a letter and send it to SBS,” he wrote. He continued, “It will not be abolished and will continue in the future~~ I want to see three generations together in the living room. He appealed, saying, “Please withdraw the abolition.”


The photo released together included a handwritten letter written by his daughter, who was in first grade. This child is said to be “Mr. and Mrs. Broadcasting Station. ‘Oh my god, this is happening’ Don’t get rid of it. It’s my favorite program. It contained the message, “Please.” To express his feelings again, he sent a picture showing that he was in tears.

Meanwhile, SBS recently said, ‘This is what happens in the world of capturing the moment’ “We are discussing from various angles whether or not to abolish it.” “Nothing has been confirmed yet,” he said. First broadcast in 1998, ‘Capturing the Moment, This Happens in the World’ has been loved as a long-running program for 26 years, containing amazing and touching stories and people. However, it is known that the show is on the verge of being discontinued due to the recent struggles, with viewership ratings hovering around 2%, and lack of competitiveness.

PDs from the Current Affairs and Culture Center also expressed their opposition to the abolition, and viewers are also continuously leaving messages on the bulletin board asking for the abolition to be withdrawn.


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