Event Planning Team Leader Minji Kim and Vice Team Leader Suyeon Shim “Youth’s Day where creative events await”

Soo-yeon Shim, deputy team leader of the event planning team, and Min-ji Kim, team leader of the event planning team. (From left)
Soo-yeon Shim, deputy team leader of the event planning team, and Min-ji Kim, team leader of the event planning team. (From left)

Young people gathered together for the young people. The ‘2023 7th Korea Youth Day’ festival, the only youth-participatory festival in the country where young people are involved in all aspects from event preparation to operation, will be held at the Cultural Plaza in Yeouido Park on September 16. We met about 2,000 youth planning and promotion groups working for Youth Day, which is only one day a year. This time, we met and heard from two executives of the event planning team who will brighten Youth Day with various events before and after the event.

Please briefly introduce yourself and your job.

△ Deputy Team Leader Shim Soo-yeon: Kim Min-ji, who is in charge of the event planning team of the ‘2023 7th Korea Youth Day’ planning and promotion team, is Shim Su-yeon, deputy team leader. The Event Gihok team plays a role in encouraging participation in the event by planning and conducting various events to promote the event in accordance with sponsorship and sponsorship items. Last year, while co-producing events as the content production team leader, I had a lot of collaboration with the event team leader. Based on this experience, I joined the event planning team as an executive with the desire to lead more diverse events.

What factors are important for the success of an event?

△ You need to plan fun events. For both the pre-event and the on-site event, it is more rewarding for us who planned the event if the people participating in the event have fun. In addition, I believe that fresh ideas and visual designs that can elicit interest and attention from the public attending the event are important to ensure a high participation rate. Additionally, since unexpected situations or problems may arise at any time during an event, it is important to have the ability to respond quickly and flexibly to resolve problems and proceed smoothly with the event.

How do you want people to remember the content you planned?

△ Team Leader Kim Min-ji: I hope that it will remain in the memories of event participants as content that is well-organized and content in which they feel they gained a lot just by participating. With these good memories, I hope that around this time next year, people will remember Youth Day again and that it will be an opportunity to participate in next year’s Youth Day events.

△ Deputy Team Leader Shim Su-yeon: I hope to be remembered as ‘creative.’ Although it is a fun event, our entire team is working hard to ensure that it does not become a typical and boring event. I hope that the event we planned together will feel novel to festival participants.

Has there been any change in your perception of the Youth Day festival during your career?

△ Team leader Kim Min-ji: ‘Youth Day’ is an event where young people create a festival, and a lot of communication with young people takes place during this process. As I listened to and discussed the various ideas of the young people, I was able to feel the greatness and solid passion of each person. Through this, expectations for the festival seem to have risen even higher. Although I have always had a positive perception of the Youth Day festival, it can be said that this perception has become deeper.

△ Deputy Team Leader Shim Soo-yeon: Before participating, I thought it would be sloppy because it was a festival planned by young people, but it was more organized than any other festival. Seeing everyone working more passionately than anyone else with the common goal of making the festival a success helped me become even more enthusiastic.

What would you say to the young people who will participate in the event?

△ The ‘2023 7th Korea Youth Day’ event, created by young people for young people, will be held at the Yeouido Park Cultural Center on Saturday, the 16th. There are a variety of things to see and eat, including performances by our favorite artists and meetings with creators, as well as Korea’s largest flash mob and many booth experiences. Various events are also prepared, so please participate and make precious memories.

The 2023 7th Korea Youth Day Festival will be held at the Yeouido Park Cultural Center on September 16. This Korea Youth Day is hosted by Youth & Future, Daily Sports, and The Economist. It is sponsored by the Office for Government Policy Coordination, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and ICT, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, Ministry of SMEs and Startups, Seoul Metropolitan City, and Busan Metropolitan City. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Korea Legal Aid Corporation, National Institute for International Education, Korea Gambling Problem Prevention and Healing Agency, Korea Press Foundation, Korea Creative Content Agency, Korea Institute for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, National Organ Tissue and Blood Management Institute, Korea Women’s Human Rights Agency, Seoul Regional Small and Medium Venture Business Administration, Korea Federation of Small and Medium Businesses, Korea Food Safety Information Institute, LG Household & Health Care, Samyang Food, Dong-A Pharmaceutical, Hackers Education Group, Nonghyup Mokuchon, Britz International, Heungkuk F&B, Kooksoondang, EF Korea, Bright Eye Eye Clinic, and many other construction projects. Corporations and companies participate.

The Youth Day Concert, which was prepared to host the 2030 Busan World Expo and support the youth of Korea, will feature popular artists such as The Boyz, VV Girl, 10CM, Yena Choi, Exin, Lunate, and Brian Chase to add to the excitement of the festival. Information related to the festival can also be found on the ‘Korea Youth Day’ website.

7th Korea Youth Day Reporter Kwon Hye-geun

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