[Exclusive] “How did they change their words?”… Heera Kim, first informant’s testimony revealed


[Dispatch=Reporters Kim So-jeong, Lee Myeong-ju, and Kim Da-eun] Mr. A is the first informant of suspicions of school violence in Heera Kim. Persons B, C, and D are the second, third, and fourth informants who helped expose Mr. A. These are the first group of informants.

Mr. A sent a tip email to ‘Dispatch’ on May 6, 2023.

According to Mr. A, Kim Heer is a member of the ‘Big Sangji’ delinquent circle. ‘Big Sanji’ is a group that assaults juniors and extorts money. Heera Kim was caught up in a classroom theft incident committed by ‘younger brother X’ and was also sentenced to community service.

‘Dispatch’ went to area O in Gyeonggi-do. I met Mr. A and talked for 6 hours. She sobbed during the interview. Heera Kim further expressed her anger towards ‘Big Sanji’.

I asked Mr. A if there were any other victims. It was a cross-check process to ensure the credibility of the statement. That’s how I connected with people B, C, and D, and collected their testimonies by talking on the phone (and texting).


May 13, 2023.

I met Mr. A again. The location is the ‘Dispatch’ editorial board meeting room. It was an opportunity to convey the damage suffered by Ms. A directly to her agency.

(A total of 5 people attended. Our reporters Kim So-jeong and Lee Myung-joo, Mr. A, Kim Heera’s agency manager, director, and representative gathered at the ‘D-Pae’ editorial office.)

Mr. A listed the cases of damage to an official from his agency. I spoke with B, C, and D on the phone. They told the story through ‘speaker phone’.

First, this is the memory of damage that Mr. A talks about. Mr. A was born in 1991. Heera Kim is my junior by two years.

1> ‘The Glory’ wooden chopstick smoking scene, seen from the rooftop of a middle school.

2> It does not hit Kim Heera directly. ‘Big Sanji’ friend Ahn OO beat him instead.

3> In the alley behind the arcade, beaten for 3 hours. A trauma that has not been forgotten for 20 years.

4> When asked why, “Why are you hitting me?” , this is what Ahn OO says. “Heera says she doesn’t like you.”

5> The leaders of ‘Big Sanji’ are Kim OO and Kim Heera. They are objects of fear.

6> Jeans were hard-sold by Heera Kim. (‘Elementary school’ size that can never be worn)

7> Kim Hee-ra lived with the saying, “C-footed, X-like X.”


Next is Mr. B, born in 1990. Cases of damage were revealed through ‘speaker phone’. Heera Kim is one year my junior.

1> ‘Big Sanji’ sisters drinking alcohol at (their) house.

2> Kim OO and Kim Heer were also there.

3> Kim Hee-ra, (emotions) got so intense that they started fighting in the room.

4> Why do we remember Heera Kim? A vivid scene of tears.

5> The next day, the ‘Big Sanji’ sisters came to me and comforted me by telling them to “quiet the conversation.”

6> A ‘Dickies’ bag was strongly sold to Heera Kim for 25,000 won. (There is ‘tobacco bread’…)

7> Who is Kim Heera in ‘Big Sanji’? ‘Big hit’. Everyone will say the same thing.

Ms. B added that she told her husband about being hit by Kim Heera. She also revealed to Mr. A that “her older sister was hit too.”He even mentioned her family and emphasized the credibility of her statement.


‘Dispatch’ also called Mr. C. He was born in 1990. He is one year junior.

1> I was called and assaulted by the ‘Big Sanji’ sisters.

2> They don’t even say hello to you and beat you up because you don’t like the shortened school uniform.

3> He was hit on the back of the head and slapped by Kim Heera several times.

4> He hit me saying, “You fucking idiot,” and hit him again, saying, “You’re so mad.”

5> Kim Heera spread a rumor, saying, “Are you flirting with OO oppa?”

6> ‘The Glory’ Leesara swearing scene overlaps. I was so surprised that I called my classmates.

7> There is a group chat room conversation that says, “You didn’t do drugs, you’re just acting yourself, aren’t you?”

Mr. C also vividly remembered the incident of Kim Heera’s extortion of X’s younger brother. She said, “Oh, I’m giving money to her sister,” and took her money. “She even sold gum worth 300 won for 500 won,” she explained.


The last person on the phone was Mr. D. Born in 1990, Kim Heera’s presence(?) was explained.

1> ‘Big Sanji’ asked us to collect money every day, and we gave the money.

2> It is very obvious that the core member of ‘Big Sanji’ is Kim Heera. Kim OO, Shin XX, OO?

Mr. A briefly intervened. I told Mr. D, “Ahn OO is right.” She gave her exact last name, saying, “It’s not OO. I’m the girl who hit me (3 hours at the arcade).”

3> Surprised to see ‘The Glory’ Leesara’s chopsticks and cigarettes. A picture from middle school.

4> (When asked if it was true that he smoked) He said he knew because he smoked with Kim Heera.

5> ‘Big Sanji’ swears if you don’t bow 90 degrees. The scariest thing is, Kim Hee-ra.

6> He testified that he chatted with his classmates through KakaoTalk after watching ‘The Glory.’

“All my friends said the same thing. It was awesome. They said, ‘Hey, C-footed x The Glory came out. I thought I was seeing myself in middle school.’ It’s not just one or two people. They just stay still…” (Excerpt from Mr. D’s phone call)

Mr. D said, “There are a lot of victims. It would be better if they just admit it and apologize,”and gave advice, “Don’t cover the sky with your palms.”


Up to this point, this is the damage statement from the first informant group A, B, C, and D. What they claim in common.

# ‘Big Sanji’ is an object of fear. They used assault, verbal abuse, extortion, and hard selling.

# The core forces of ‘Big Sanji’ are Kim OO, Ahn OO, Shin OO, and Kim Heera.

# In a group chat room with classmates, he clicked his tongue and said, “It’s like seeing you in middle school.”

‘Dispatch’ has begun verification of assault claims by A, B, C, and D. I couldn’t listen to just one side. A cross-check of the damage facts was necessary. I met Heera Kim in person.


May 17, 2023.

Heera Kim came to visit. The location is the ‘Dispatch’ editorial board meeting room. It was an opportunity to hear counterarguments to the claims of A, B, C, and D. The interview lasted approximately 3 hours.

Heera Kim has already heard about the claims of A, B, C, and D from an agency official. He searched his memory and refuted the claims of his initial group of informants one by one.

First, clarification on C-5.

“C started a rumor that he was chasing OO oppa? Because I was having a relationship with OO oppa? I have never met OO oppa. My friend met OO oppa. I think there was an incident with that friend.”

Then, why do B and C remember that they were hit by Kim Heera?

“Ahn OO often went to karaoke and arcades with B and C. I also went to B’s house to hang out. Since Ahn OO was my friend, I could have been there to help him out and say, ‘Why did you do that?’ I don’t remember, but I “I never hit anyone.”

Position on the ‘X brother’ classroom theft incident.

“They said that Brother

Heera Kim suddenly brought up Mr. B’s name while explaining the ‘Brother X’ incident. He said, “My brother

Next, a rebuttal to A-1 and C-3.

“It’s not cigarettes. I told my mom, ‘I’ve tried smoking, but I can’t smoke.’ I wanted to try smoking because I didn’t want to look weak, but I was upset because it didn’t suit my body. I think alcohol and cigarettes are a no-go story.”

A, B, C, and D commonly say ‘Ping’.

“I admit that Big Sanji’s friends stole money. It was too much. I also collected a lot. For example, (the sisters) said, ‘100,000 won okay?’ If you say, ‘Hey, we get 50,000 won, you get 50,000 won.’ When I was in my second year, B and C were in my first year, so there are enough problems to do that.”


And, the answer to the question about what you were thinking about doing with ‘The Glory’.

“I was embarrassed to say it out loud, but I thought to myself, ‘I can’t believe people can abuse and harass me to this extent.’ I’ve never been Moon Dong-eun before… so I might not have thought about it. I rationalized it by saying, ‘I don’t think this level of harm is enough.’”

Regarding the incident of hard selling of ‘jeans’ and ‘Dickies’, Kim Heera denied, saying, “I have never done anything like that.” A line was also drawn with the ‘Ahn OO arcade assault incident’ mentioned by Mr. A.

“I met Mr. A first. He said, ‘I don’t remember, but I was in that group and I didn’t live completely proudly.’ I think I may have helped.”

Lastly, Heera Kim requested a delay in publishing the article.

“I’m not asking you not to publish articles. It’s not that I’m not acknowledging anything. I wasn’t a model student, and there were parts of me that thought it was my rationalization. I had a unique name, and I couldn’t be jealous or picked on, or be normal. When I became a middle school student, I was more interested than bullied. “I chose. It was the wrong choice.”

“A, B, and D also said that they would wait until ‘Gyeongsomun 2′. If there are 100 or 200 friends who were hurt by me, I think I should also apologize. It’s not that I will act more for wealth and fame.’ “I hope you can just avoid ‘Gyeongrummun’. If it happens to me too, the work won’t work at all.”(Kim Hi)


September 6, 2023

‘Dispatch’ reported Kim Heera’s school days. (I waited until the briefing was over.)

The claims made by A, B, C, and D were excluded. It was not covered in the original article. It was determined that there was no way to prove the informant’s damage.

In addition, Mr. A and others notified, “The misunderstanding with my sister has been resolved. Please do not write about it in the article.”The credibility of the informant group could not be guaranteed.

Meanwhile, additional information about Kim Heera came in. The evil deeds of ‘Big Sanji’, Heera Kim’s influence, and the disposition of community service were statements without disagreement.


Heera Kim also admitted to Dispatch that she had overlooked or sympathized with what Big Sanji had done, saying, “I did not live proudly among that group.”

‘Dispatch’ chose each word carefully. The explanation was also actively reflected. Rather, it dealt with Kim Heera’s awakening, growth, and reflection in great detail.

The twist happened next. Kim Heera reversed what she said. He even refuted, “I didn’t commit assault.”

(In the initial report, assault was not even mentioned. His statement that he ‘strongly denied participation in the assault’ was clearly included.)


September 9, 2023

The next twist is that of A and B.

Person A said to a sports magazine, “I am a victim of school violence, but I was not victimized by Kim Heera.”

“I realized that there was a mistake in my memory and asked the media not to report it. However, the request was not accepted and it was eventually reported. I want to correct it.”

-> In the initial report of ‘Dispatch’, Mr. A’s case of being assaulted was not mentioned at all.

Mr. A said, “Check Mr. H’s life records,” and added, “How can he be continuously bullied when he doesn’t go to school?”

“Everyone who came to our school at that time knows who the perpetrator was. The one who really behaved badly was Mr. H. Among the four additional informants, there are two who directly hit me.”

-> Mr. A was born in 1991. He is Kim Heera’s junior by two years. He did not go to school with Mr. H. Mr. H was in second grade when he was assaulted by Heera Kim. At that time, Mr. A was in the 6th grade of elementary school.

-> The four additional informants appear to be referring to E, F, G, and H.

-> Mr. A met with ‘Dispatch’ twice. We spoke on the phone dozens of times. Mr. A never once mentioned E, F, G, or H during that long conversation. He only pointed out Kim Heera and Ahn OO (who assaulted him for 3 hours).


September 10, 2023

How did Mr. B change his stance again?

He claimed to the same sports magazine, “I went to the media with A. After hearing that the media called me a ‘bat’, I got angry and gave false testimony.”

-> Mr. B has never visited. On May 13th, only Mr. A came. Mr. B reported the damage story through ‘speaker phone’.

-> It was not ‘Dispatch’ that reported that “Mr. B is called ‘Bat’ (among Kim Hee-ra’s friends).”

-> You were angry and gave false testimony? Mr. A told ‘Dispatch’, “I have an older sister who was hit directly,”and pointed to Mr. B.

‘Dispatch’ did not cover the testimony of Mr. A, B, C, and D at all in the second report. Nevertheless, A and B delivered false information (to other media).

‘Dispatch’ publishes the interview conducted on May 13th on its website. We plan to refute Mr. A and Mr. B’s claims through the original interview transcript.


Additional article.

“When you can’t refute the message, attack the messenger.”

The message and the messenger must be separated. The evaluation of the messenger is only for reference. Messages must be evaluated on their own merits.

Let’s take ‘MeToo’ as an example. The message is sexual assault by hierarchy. But sometimes, they attack their victims. By mentioning their daily behavior, they are calling it ‘jealousy’ rather than ‘MeToo’.

‘Haktu’ is also an extension of that. The message of the incident is school violence. (At school) There is no student that can be bullied or that it is okay to be bullied. There are no good gangsters or good gangsters.

Heera Kim’s agency and the first informant group are now attacking the ‘Messenger’. However, can Kim Heera’s ‘school violence’ be justified? It just looks like a scam.

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