Ha Jung-woo Race of Hope and Courage ‘1947 Boston’ (Comprehensive) [M+On-Site]

'1947 Boston' press preview photo = Provided by MK Sports
‘1947 Boston’ press preview photo = Provided by MK Sports

A journey of hope and courage ‘1947 Boston’
The efforts

of Ha Jung-woo

‘1947 Boston’ Ha Jung-woo, Im Si-wan, and Kim Sang-ho completed the race of hope to find light in the darkness with a pleasant and touching synergy.

On the morning of the 11th, a press screening of the movie ‘1947 Boston’ (directed by Kang Je-gyu) was held at the Lotte Cinema Konkuk University entrance in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul. Director Kang Je-gyu, Ha Jung-woo, Im Si-wan, and Kim Sang-ho attended the scene.

‘1947 Boston’ contains the challenges and thrilling journey of marathoners to participate in international competitions wearing the Taegeuk symbol for the first time after liberation in 1947.

On this day, director Kang Je-gyu said, “Our film can truly give hope and courage to many people, so please support us so that we can convey that hope and courage to many people.”

#. The hope that director Kang Je-gyu conveys with ‘1947 Boston’

Director Kang Je-gyu Photo = Provided by MK Sports
Director Kang Je-gyu Photo = Provided by MK Sports

Regarding the story of the players who did not wear the ‘Taegeuk mark’, coach Kang Je-gyu said, “There were a lot of practical issues at the time from the scenario process. “There were many aspects that Chairman Harris had pushed for from various athletics associations, so the fact that Son Ki-jeong and many athletes were able to pool their wisdom and run under the Taegeuk symbol gave us great courage and strength in making our film.”

He continued, “One of the reasons why I enjoyed working on this movie is that although actor Ha Jung-woo, who plays Son Ki-jeong, was not in the script stage, he talked a lot about the scenario and his role and function while filming. In the original scenario, there was a part where we ran together, but it wasn’t included to this extent. Before filming the marathon section, Actor Ha gave me a lot of good ideas. The signs of runners and encouragers are also important, and I reflected a lot because I thought that actively reflecting on how I would view myself as a manager and coach would be helpful for the second half of the game. “He gave me a lot of ideas, so I think we were able to create a situation where we were satisfied with the filming and editing,” he added.

Director Kang Je-gyu replied, “The process of coming up with good ideas while continuing to film in detail with actors Ha Jung-woo and Im Si-wan, talking about the details and situations was one of the points of great joy and satisfaction while filming this movie.” .

So, how did director Kang Je-gyu choose the subject matter of ‘Marathon’? He said, “I once fell in love with the marathon and running, so I thought I had to do it. As a result, I became interested in teachers Son Ki-jeong and Seo Yun-bok, and I read related books, and things like that piled up, which is how this movie came out.”

In addition, “The charm of the marathon is that there are many sports events, including baseball, but what I felt while watching the movie ‘Race’ recently was the mindset and movements of a marathoner who runs barefoot and without any equipment or tools toward a 42.195km tunnel. “I thought it was the sport that best suited my passion and passion in terms of challenging the limits of human life and constantly living, so I decided to give it a try because the marathon has a unique aesthetic,” he explained.

#. Ha Jung-woo, Im Si-wan, and Kim Sang-ho finished the race to the end.

'1947 Boston' Ha Jung-woo, Im Si-wan, and Kim Sang-ho Photo = Provided by MK Sports
‘1947 Boston’ Ha Jung-woo, Im Si-wan, and Kim Sang-ho Photo = Provided by MK Sports

Im Si-wan said, “I thought that the fact that there was a real person was a task that should never be done to someone. He felt that he should approach this work with a certain sense of responsibility. As for that sense of responsibility, wasn’t Seo Yun-bok the first player to go to an international competition wearing the Taegeuk symbol? Of course, I am playing a character in this work, but I worked from the beginning of preparation until the end of filming with the mindset that I would wear the Taegeuk symbol while working on the work.”

He said, “Because it was a running role, the running had to be seen professionally, so I learned professional training two to three months before starting the project. He said, “In the same way, he studied and received training from the coach during filming and continued filming like that until the end of the work.”

Ha Jung-woo said, “When I was caught on screen with actor Im Si-wan, my first thought was, ‘I’m a little older.’ Other than that, there was nothing special. However, in reality, teacher Ki-Jeong Son led the team on the journey to Boston, and it seems like it was a sense of responsibility. “As a senior, I took responsibility for not being able to wear the Taegeukgi at the Berlin Olympics, and as an actor, I thought I would definitely participate in the competition wearing the Taegeukgi. As an actor, I thought about Mr. Son Ki-jeong’s feelings while filming,” he said.

Also, “When preparing a work, I start from the body, mind, and soul, and since I don’t know Mr. Ki-Jeong Son (in detail) well, I discussed it with the director and told him what kind of person he is. It was Teacher Son Ki-jeong who caught me at the start of acting, acting, and speaking. What did the teacher feel and what emotions did he have during this take? She went into every take with that thought in mind. As those feelings were accumulating one by one, I found it difficult to lose my footing when the Berlin Olympic podium scene appeared in the prologue scene of the first scene. “I felt like I was experiencing it in real life rather than on a movie set, so I felt a heavy heart during the filming, and I also felt a solemnity that I had never felt while filming before,” he confessed.

Im Si-wan also paid attention to diet and exercise to play teacher Seo Yun-bok. He was just as thorough in his external preparation. Im Si-wan said, “Of course, the things I spent the most time on while preparing for my appearance were diet and exercise. Even before he started filming, he lived on chicken breast. “I should have exercised every day, and I don’t want my muscles to look firm, so I tried to maintain muscle bulge by exercising in between cuts,” he said. “It wasn’t my goal, but I did my best while exercising.” Wow, while I was trying to look similar, I measured my body fat on InBody and it came out to be 6%. “It wasn’t my goal, but as I was trying to resemble my appearance, I remember seeing the number 6% for the first time in my life and being amazed,” he recalled.

Kim Sang-ho, who played Teacher Baek Nam-yong, another real-life character, said, “It was also true that there was no data. Actors have an instinct to imagine something. “It may have been helpful not to have a lot of data,” he said.

He said, “What I thought would be interesting after receiving the script was that although he helped me, he didn’t help me blindly. From there, he felt the character’s charm. “It gave me the imagination of what it would have been like for an individual who lived at that time and in that era,” he said. “I may feel sorry for what I expressed, but I could have done better if I had more data, but I felt more free when I didn’t have it. On the one hand, I hoped that there was nothing wrong with the teacher’s reputation. There are some expressions that are comical. “That part is just my imagination,” he emphasized.

Ha Jung-woo and Im Si-wan worked together for the first time as mentor and mentee through this work. Ha Jung-woo said, “Im Si-wan was like an athlete. I watched from the side as Siwan prepared to play the role of teacher Seo Yun-bok. It seems like he was serious when filming the competition scenes. I want to support you. Most of the filming took place near Melbourne, and I think I was very emotional because it was towards the end of filming. “I got to see the finished version for the first time today, and I think teacher Seo Yun-bok will like it because Im Si-wan did such a great job,” he said.

Im Siwan said, “This is my first time working with Jungwoo. I don’t know how it will sound while working with Brother Jeongwoo, but I felt like I had met a very dependable older brother. While he was filming, he had a lot of willpower. In reality, I took on this role as a coach and director, but I also took on the role as a mentor-mentee relationship, but more than that, I had a close and reliable older brother, who knew much more about the world and filmmaking in many ways than I did. It’s funny that you say this again. “I remember a lot of filming while anticipating what kind of unexpected point of laughter would come out at that moment,” he said.

He said, “The first emotion I remember feeling when crossing the finish line is the emotion I amplified at that time. Whenever I work on a piece of work, I always have this thought in mind to avoid wasting every moment, ‘This moment will never come back. ‘ was the thought. Likewise, I think that I have to work as hard as I die at this moment because it is a moment that will never come back after this moment,” he said. I exercised with it, and when I reached my finish line or goal, I think the simple, clear thought of ‘I have to finish this’ dominated. “I think I filmed the finish line scene following that thought,” he explained.

Regarding the ending scene, Kim Sang-ho confessed that the part he cared about was ‘not using 21st century language.’ Regarding the reason, “When filming the final season of ‘Kingdom,’ it was Joseon and ‘Stop.’ ‘Okay, okay’ there was a time like that. The director also said OK, but he once said, ‘Senior Kim Sang-ho wrote in English.’ After thinking about that, he suggested that we not use 21st century language in ‘1947 Boston.’”

He continued, “At that time, I thought about how I could say I did a good job without using those words. In the scene where Siwan returns midway, there is a scene where Jungwoo and I are standing and watching. The scene coming back from the hill was really cool. ‘There it is!’ “I did something, but it was edited out,” he added, causing laughter.

Ha Jung-woo met the public last summer through an ‘unofficial operation.’ Then, during Chuseok, he quickly meets the audience with ‘1947 Boston.’ Ha Jung-woo said, “Because of how we did it this year, the release date is something I cannot be involved in, but we ended up releasing it together in a short period of time this summer and during Chuseok. “It’s not the first time I’ve been through a situation while filming and releasing a movie, and things have happened, so I just want to accept it well and handle the schedule well.” I just hope that there will be equally good synergy. “Regardless of what the director said, I just hope that our movie will have good synergy and help audiences come to the theater and watch the movie,” he expressed his hope.

[Jayang-dong (Seoul) = Reporter Nam-kyung Lee, MBN Star]

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