Hyuna shares ‘Jung Joon-young’s hidden camera’ Yong Junhyung and the eyewitness account… Overseas fans ‘shocked’

/Photo = Hyuna’s Instagram, online community
/Photo = Hyuna’s Instagram, online community

While singer Hyuna and Yong Jun-hyung suddenly released a post that seemed to hint at a public romantic relationship, an online post claiming that the two had already been dating for three months has become a hot topic.

On the night of the 18th, Hyuna and Yong Jun-hyung posted a photo of them walking on the sandy beach holding hands on their respective Instagrams.

Although the two did not directly mention that they were “in a relationship,”some fans seem to accept that they are in a public relationship. Hyuna’s public relationship comes about a year and two months after her breakup with Dawn.

Hyuna said, “I hope Hyuna is happy.” “I will support your love. I love you pretty”I personally pressed the like button on the supportive comments from fans who supported my public relationship.

In relation to this, Yong Jun-hyung’s agency, Black Made, released a statement on the morning of the 19th saying, “We are checking.”

Among them, it was discovered that the two had already been together for a long time, giving strength to the dating rumors. Last November, a franchise restaurant account posted a proof shot with the two people’s autographs along with the message, “Thank you for visiting Hyuna and Yong Jun-hyung.”

The online community where the autograph proof shot was released said, “Is this right?””Please say no””Hyun, why are you like this?”Reactions like this are pouring in. Hyuna’s account said, “This choice was wrong.””I was shocked””I don’t think you’ll ever meet someone who has been involved in a serious crime.”There are also many negative reactions from overseas fans.

Singer Hyuna, Yong Jun-hyung / Photo = Money Today DB, provided by Black Made
Singer Hyuna, Yong Jun-hyung / Photo = Money Today DB, provided by Black Made

Previously, it was belatedly revealed that Yong Jun-hyung had an inappropriate conversation with singer Jung Jun-young in a one-on-one chat room in late 2015 after sharing a hidden camera video of a sexual encounter filmed by Jung Jun-young. Jung Joon-young was arrested and indicted on charges of gang rape and illegal filming of a drunk woman twice in 2016, and she was sentenced to five years in prison at the appellate court in September 2020.

At the time, Yong Junhyung denied the charges, but three days later he reversed his stance, admitted to the charges, and apologized. Yong Junhyung left Highlight (formerly BEAST), his group at the time, in March 2019. Afterwards, he returned with the release of his solo album & # 39; LONER & # 39; in November 2022.

Hyuna and Yong Junhyung previously worked in Cube Entertainment’s 4Minute and Beast, respectively, and the two sang HyunA’s solo debut song ‘Change’ Appeared together in the music video. Because of this, some are of the opinion that Hyuna and Yong Jun-hyung may have done a ‘spoiler’ about the collaboration.

Reporter Maara aradazz@mt.co.kr

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