If there is the musical Chicago in Seoul, there is ‘Unvisited Stealth Operation’ in the provinces.

[Reporter Kim Yong-han]

▲ A look at the unvisited takeover operation Mansu, who runs an herbal medicine shop, appears to be in conflict as he sees Hwayeon collapse from sudden pain.
ⓒ Yonghan Kim

On the evening of the 18th, I visited the site where practice for the comical musical Unvisited Stealth Operation (artistic director Jeong-in Yoon) was in full swing.

On this day, the actors took their first steps to synchronize their movements on stage and synchronize themselves in reading each other’s lines.

As the performance takes place in a small theater, the distance from the audience is very close, so the pressure on the actors is great. The fact that the actors perform at a minimum distance of 2 to 3 meters from the actors on stage maximizes the enjoyment of the play in that it allows the audience to get a glimpse of the actors’ acting gestures and facial expressions as much as possible.

On the other hand, for actors, the close distance to the audience can feel burdensome, and there is a lot of pressure to be nervous every time they say a line.

This performance is a comical musical created by local actors and the artistic director who participates has a deep affection for it in that it deals with local stories.

This is a work that was uploaded after many hours of research on herbal medicine stores. It is a story that weaves episodes that occur in herbal medicine stores based on the story of Yakjeon Alley, which was called the three major markets of the Joseon Dynasty (Pyongyang Market, Seomun Market, and Ganggyeong Market).

Yakjeon Alley is located behind the Hyundai Department Store in Namseong-ro, Jung-gu, and is a place where herbal medicine shops, distilleries, and distilleries are lined up for about 300 meters. It is also where the Yaknyeongsi Festival began in earnest with the launch of the Yaknyeongsi Preservation Association in 1978. do.

After a successful showcase in October 2010, the creative musical that has been consistently loved until now, but was temporarily suspended due to the coronavirus, has found its audience again.

▲ Practice scene for an unvisited takeover operation A passionate performance by actors who understand their movements while performing their roles.
ⓒ Yonghan Kim

The Oriental Medicine Culture Festival is a festival that is in the spotlight as a local cultural content boasting history and tradition, celebrating its 366th anniversary this year.

The cast of this performance includes Man-su (Park Beom-jin), Kim 1 (Hong Jun-oh), Kim 2 (Song Seong-hyuk), Sook-ja 1 (Lee Hye-jeong), Suk-ja 2 (Lee Jeong-min), Hwa-yeon (Kim Bom-i), Su-cheol 1 (Kang Dae-hee), and Su-cheol 2 (Kim Soo-han).) Appears in double casting.

Artistic direction includes CEO Yoon Jeong-in (McTheater, playwriting, composition), Jeong Yu-ra (directing), Yeo Seung-yong (composition, music director), choreography by Lee Min-ju, Kang Dae-hee, Lee Seon-kyung, costume design, make-up by Kim Hye-rin, lighting Baek Seung-dong, music director Jeong Ho-young, plan. Park Woo-young participated in the promotion.

The unvisited takeover operation, a native musical, will be held at Bongsan Cultural Center Space Raon from Friday the 19th to March 17th. For further inquiries, call Bongsan Cultural Center at 053-422-6280 or use the ticket link.

Interview with Artistic Director Jeongin Yoon
1. What is the story of the unvisited takeover operation?
​ It is a comical musical set in Daegu’s Yangnyeongsi ~ Yakjeon Alley.
2. When did this work premiere?
It was performed in October 2010
3. It is not easy to create creative works in the region. What do you think?< a i=5> At the time, it seems to have been possible because it was a resident group at the Bongsan Cultural Center. 4. What is the composition of the actors (local actors?)? ​ Yes. They are all Daegu actors. Local actors will protect local musicals. 5. It must be difficult to upload many original musical works. How is it? ​ As expected, it is a difficult situation. I think it is possible because I, as the CEO, do all the planning, playwriting, and composing. I hope that local governments will also show active interest and financial support. 6. I understand that you also worked on music for this production. Why do you insist on performing live on site? ​ Play A sense of presence is also important, and since it is a musical, I think a sense of presence is also important in music. 7. Is there a famous line in this work? ​ “The most important thing in the world is my family.. … My husband… The best secret is to take care of it with love. I think that each person lives a different life, so even if it hurts the same place, the reason for the pain is different and the treatment method is also different.”8. During this performance, there was a citizen participation proposal. What was the planning intention? ​ Since it is a musical with the audience… it also has a form of madangnori.. .. This is to create a participatory musical. 7. What are your expectations and hopes for local musicals? I hope it will become a musical that saves the region.< /span> If I have time before the performance, I can relax with a cup of coffee and hang out with friends after a long time. We hope that you will have a variety of experiences that a performance can provide by having conversations, applauding with many people when the performance starts, feeling the reactions of other audience members, making eye contact with the actors, and talking about the performance as you leave when the performance is over. ​Yes. For example, to see a musical, you have to buy an expensive ticket, you have to get in a car to see it, you have to walk to the theater, once you arrive, you have to wait until the start time, and once it starts, it’s difficult to leave in the middle, and it stops if you press the stop button in the middle. Rather than thinking about this inconvenience, I imagine going outside, breathing in the cool air, visiting the theater, and looking forward to the performance. ​Netflix, a media service (OTT) provided directly to viewers through the Internet, There are a lot of fun contents such as Coupang Play, Disney Plus, etc. that are so fun that people don’t have to leave their homes. However, being exposed to the stage while listening to the breathing of a live actor in a theater allows you to experience a different kind of content, so visiting the theater at least once is helpful for your mental health. 8. Is there anything you would like to say to citizens? ​ Yakjeon Alley is also very dead. I hope that this musical will revive the commercial area and attract a lot of people. I hope there will be more dialect musicals.

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