Innocent G-Dragon, the police who hit a wall… a private return or a turning point [Oh! Strong Issue]

[OSEN = Incheon, Reporter Lee Dae-seon] Singer G-Dragon (35, real name Kwon Ji-yong), who is suspected of drug use under the Narcotics Control Act, appeared at Nonhyeon Police Station in Incheon on the 6th. G-Dragon is answering questions from reporters as he heads to the police station. . 2023.11.06 /
[OSEN = Incheon, Reporter Lee Dae-seon] Singer G-Dragon (35, real name Kwon Ji-yong), who is suspected of drug use under the Narcotics Control Act, appeared at Nonhyeon Police Station in Incheon on the 6th. G-Dragon is answering questions from reporters as he heads to the police station. . 2023.11.06 /

[OSEN=Reporter Jang Woo-young] Is this the ending of G-Dragon’s private return to his country, where he proudly claimed his innocence? Will there be a twist for the police, who are on fire?

G-Dragon strongly denied the allegations of drug use surrounding him on two occasions and claimed his innocence by voluntarily appearing before the police. The ‘Sapilgwijeong’ he left behind is an idiom that briefly describes the current situation.

G-Dragon maintained his innocence and never lost his confidence, saying he did not use drugs. Attention was drawn to his attitude, which made people wonder, ‘Is it really true?’, and the reason why G-Dragon was able to be so confident was the ‘negative test.’

G-Dragon, who voluntarily appeared before the police, was interrogated for about four hours. During this process, he conducted a simple reagent test, and the result was ‘negative’. G-Dragon also said, “A voice came out. A detailed inspection has also been urgently requested. “I hope the investigative agency will express its position accurately and quickly as soon as the results are released,” he said.

And G-Dragon left a message saying ‘I’m going to return home’. It means ‘everything eventually returns to the right way’, and ‘at first, it is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong, so incorrect things may temporarily become popular or gain influence, but this does not last long and everything inevitably returns to the right way.’ added. G-Dragon’s fans and fashion industry figures also supported his innocence. They expressed their support for G-Dragon by chanting “Guardians Of Daisy.”

While the simple reagent test came back negative, the hair analysis results came out on the 20th. The result was negative. In the case of hair, depending on the length of the hair, it can be confirmed whether or not he has taken drugs for about a year, and G-Dragon’s innocence has been proven in that he has never dyed or bleached his hair for about 1 year and 5 months.

[OSEN = Incheon, Reporter Lee Dae-seon] Singer G-Dragon (35, real name Kwon Ji-yong), who is suspected of drug use under the Narcotics Control Act, appeared at Nonhyeon Police Station in Incheon on the 6th. G-Dragon is answering questions from reporters as he heads to the police station. . 2023.11.06 /
[OSEN = Incheon, Reporter Lee Dae-seon] Singer G-Dragon (35, real name Kwon Ji-yong), who is suspected of drug use under the Narcotics Control Act, appeared at Nonhyeon Police Station in Incheon on the 6th. G-Dragon is answering questions from reporters as he heads to the police station. . 2023.11.06 /

It is reported that the fingernail and toenail analysis results are in progress, but the National Institute of Forensic Science (National Forensic Service) has reportedly already delivered the results to the police. The police acknowledged that the evaluation results were obtained, but declined to comment, saying, “The results cannot be revealed.” There continues to be criticism that the police are wasting time pointlessly due to the negative test result being not announced right away.

The police were on fire. This is because, following actor Lee Sun-kyun, even G-Dragon’s reactions to drugs were ‘negative’ or ‘unable to judge.’ Beyond the shock of the unusually public disclosure of names during the internal investigation stage, concerns that this could turn into a drug scandal in the entertainment industry are turning into criticism that the police are conducting an unreasonable investigation. It is difficult to avoid criticism for creating a wronged person by conducting an unreasonable investigation by relying on statements without evidence.

From Lee Sun-kyun to G-Dragon, police officers hit the wall after receiving negative or inconclusive results. It seems like it will be a turning point in the investigation, but as difficulties are expected in proving the charges, we are in a no-win situation. It remains to be seen whether, as G-Dragon said, it will be a ‘private return’ ending, or whether the police will find new suspicions and turn around criticism. /

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