[Issue] Suspicion of Kim Hee-ra’s school violence, muddy truth battle between the police officers

〈Photo=Kim Heera SNS〉
〈Photo=Kim Heera SNS〉

Suspicion of actress Heera Kim’s involvement in school violence is spreading into a muddy truth battle.

Contrary claims are made every day, and transcripts are made public. Is Kim Heera the perpetrator or the victim?

Kim Heera’s side announced on the 11th that it would take legal action. She said there were problems with the initial reporting of the allegations and that she was coerced into responding by saying she had ‘done’ something she did not do. She cleared up the misunderstanding with the initial informants, but claimed that the suspicions were reported in the article, and that the contents of the phone call maliciously obtained by another informant, Mr. H, were also reported in the article.

Then, this time, the contents reported to the media by the original informants who cleared up the misunderstanding between Kim Hee-ra and her were newly revealed. Claims were made such as ‘I was forced to sell my bag’, ‘I was seen smoking in the same manner as in ‘The Glory”, and ‘I was hit on the back of the head and cheek several times’. Some of these informants later sided with Kim Hee-ra through interviews with other media outlets, saying, “It was a wrong memory.”

While confusion was increasing over the claims of the first informants, several suspicions were also raised about another informant, Mr. H. Mr. H is the party who previously disclosed the contents of the phone call in which Kim Hi-ra seemed to admit her harm. On one online community bulletin board, Mr. H, not Kim Hee-ra, was the perpetrator of school violence, and asked, ‘What is Kim Hee-ra doing by getting involved with H for the crime of misbehaving her classmate? A post was posted saying, “She is pitiful.”

On the 6th, a report first appeared that Kim Heera was a member of the Iljin group during her middle school days. In response, Kim Hi Eora’s side denied her suspicions, and public opinion seemed to be overturned by a netizen’s defense post in an online community called Kim Hi Eora’s classmate.

Then, a recording of Kim Hee-ra’s phone call appeared, in which she spoke to Mr. H with a nuance of approval, saying, “I think I was hit by you the most.”She claims that Kim Heerra’s phone call was a maliciously created recording, and she is still proclaiming her innocence.

Both sides are fighting tightly. In addition to Kim Hee-ra, the trust issue of the informants who raised her suspicions is also being discussed. The muddy truth battle continues.

In the end, she chose to go to court. Kim Hee-ra’s side said, “We will determine the truth of this case legally until the end, and we want to reveal everything in court, including errors in what the media called evidence and misunderstandings with the informants.”

Reporter Park Jeong-sun, Entertainment News Team park.jungsun@jtbc.co.kr (Content Business Division)

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