Jo In-seong “Purpose of life? Be happy first…then you can make someone else happy” (‘How dare I become the boss 3’) [Comprehensive]


[Sports Reporter Jeong An-ji] 8th day of business, ‘Asia Market’ The employees’ busy day was revealed.

In tvN’s ‘Somehow CEO 3’, which aired on the 18th, employees at ‘Asia Market’ were shown doing lunch business on the 8th day of business.

On this day, the mother and daughter customers ordered crab ramen and stir-fried pork, and the mother showed interest by saying, “Jo In-seong.” Then her daughter read her mother’s mind and asked, “Why is he so handsome?”and then said with a straight face, “Mom, he’s too young,”to which her mother responded, “I know.”He said it and it made him laugh.

Although Inbee Park was worried about her first stir-fried pork, she quickly completed the dish, and later expressed her anticipation for the stir-fried pork she made, saying, “It looks delicious.”The customer who tasted it said, “It’s so delicious,”and Inbee Park smiled brightly at her praise, calling it “champion food.”

My mother, who is currently running a store, said, “Don’t soldiers get transferred? Eventually it comes back this way. “When I come back to the store, my store is like my parents’ house,” he said.


My daughter said, “I only recently realized after watching ‘Reply, 1998’ that my childhood here was not that different from Korea in the 70s and 80s,”and added, “We were lucky. “I was born in 1997, and in the 1980s there were already a lot of Koreans here and many of my friends were of Korean descent,” he said. Then Inbee Park said, “I lived in rural Florida when she was young, and I was the only Asian in her entire school. “She was pretty lonely,” she confessed.

At that time, a customer eating ramen asked Kyung-ho Yoon, “Are you the guy from the movie ‘Parasite’?” It turned out that there was a misunderstanding with actor Song Kang-ho. Park Byeong-eun laughed and said, “It’s a little low,” and Yoon Kyeong-ho, who heard this, said, “Senior Song Kang-ho is a really great actor in Korea.” The customer responded, “It looks similar.” “He’s a little handsome,” he said, making Kyung-ho Yoon laugh.


At that time, Mayor Marina visited Asia Market after hearing the rumor. The mayor asked Jo In-seong, “What would you do if you weren’t an actor?” , “How old are you?” , and “Is Seoul politics okay?” Or is it not good?” he asked various questions. Then he asked, “What do you think the purpose of life is?”and Jo In-seong said, “Let me be happy first.””If I’m happy, I think I can make someone else happy,” he said. In response, the mayor asked, “Have you been happy most of your life?” and Jo In-seong said, “I was happy.”

Cha Tae-hyun, who was flashing from east to west, moved to the gimbap corner. He said, “Rather, eating kimbap is relaxing.” Kimbab is strange. “When I first came, it almost felt like a place of exile,” he said. At that time, Byeong-eun Park also joined the kimbap corner. At that time, Park Byeong-eun also said, “After being so busy and hectic, I feel like I’m taking a little break by coming here.” “It’s becoming a healing space,” he said with a laugh.


As evening business began, the director and an oriental medicine doctor came to visit. At that time, the director said, “My wife was very sick a year after we got married. After his first pregnancy he had severe morning sickness. He said, “They couldn’t find the reason at the hospital,”and “I spent two years in the hospital, miscarried the child and had an operation.””He later found out the cause and he said it was gastroparesis,” he said. He said, “I was discharged from the hospital because they said there was nothing more they could do for me,” and, “At that time, I met an oriental medicine doctor.” In response, his wife said, “You saved my life,”and shed tears as she recalled the difficult time.

Jo In-seong checked his health with an oriental medicine doctor and said, “I have heart failure and my liver pulse is too weak and I am overworked.” “Take a break,” he said. Park Byeong-eun also checked his health, and the oriental medicine doctor checked his health through his tongue. Park Byeong-eun said, “My stomach is so bad.” “I don’t know if it’s because I’m temporarily tired, but my heart also has a lot of heat,” he said. To Kyung-ho Yoon, “I feel cold below my belly button.” If you let stress get worse, the separation will worsen. Then the heat goes up. The diagnosis was, “There is a high probability of hair loss.”

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