‘Lord of the Rings’ Ian McKellen: “My life changed when I came out impulsively in 1988” [Hollywood News]


[TV Report = Reporter Yu Bichwi] Actor Ian McKellen, who played a major role in the ‘Lord of the Rings’ series, recalled the time when he came out as gay.

On the 7th (local time), Ian McKellen (84) spoke about the changes in his life after impulsively coming out in 1988 in an interview with Variety.

Ian McKellen says coming out as gay helped him transform his work and personal life. He said, “Almost overnight, everything in my life changed for the better. My relationships with people, my whole attitude toward acting changed.”

On January 27, 1988, Ian McKellen came out on a British radio broadcast. He opposed legislation that would have made it illegal for authorities to promote homosexuality. Ian McKellen revealed he was gay during a conversation with the editor of the Daily Telegraph, saying: “I think it’s insulting to a gay person like me.”

Ian McKellen later admitted that coming out was an impulsive decision, even though many people around him already knew he was gay. He told Capital Gay: “On the air we were discussing the new law and I was outraged by the blatant arrogance of homophobia. I told thousands of mindless radio listeners that I was against the law because I was gay.”did.

Ian McKellen said: “Some actually wrote to me saying they had known I was gay for years and didn’t care. When I told my mother shortly afterwards, she said the same.”

Meanwhile, Ian McKellen is considered an iconic actor as he has appeared in major Hollywood films such as the ‘Lord of the Rings’ series and the ‘X-Men’ series.

Reporter Yu Jichwi gjjging@naver.com / Photo = ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers’

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