‘LTNS’ director Dae-hyung Lim says, “At first, I almost titled it ‘Couple Racketeering Group.’”

On the afternoon of the 6th, an open talk about TVING’s original series ‘LTNS’ was held on the outdoor stage of the Busan Cinema Center in Haeundae-gu, Busan. At the event, directors Jeon Go-woon, Im Da-hyung, Lee Som, and Ahn Jae-hong attended and talked about the work. (Haeundae, Busan = iMBC Entertainment Reporter Kim Kyung-hee)

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Director Im Dae-hyung said about the title of the work, “At first, I thought about calling it a couple’s racketeering ring. Director Jeon Go-eun asked me what LTNS was like one day. I thought it would be a good idea to show satire by changing Long Time Noh to Long Time No Sex, so I changed it.”talked.

Director Lim said, “I worked with Ahn Jae-hong in a short film about 10 years ago, and at the time, I had forgotten the character’s name. Working with Ahn Jae-hong again after a long time felt like it was my first time officially. I felt like he was a veteran actor and I was very impressed on set. That admiration was deep inside.”He talked about Ahn Jae-hong, saying, “He didn’t do it alone, but he made eye contact with the former director and said, ‘Wow!’ He was an actor who really acted like a ghost.”

Regarding the joint directing system with Director Go-woon Jeon, Director Lim said, “If there were two people speaking on set, the staff would get confused. So when one person spoke as a class leader, the other person would close their mouths and try to communicate with only the two of them.. ” He revealed how he directed it.

He then talked about his interactions with director Jeon Go-eun, saying, “I really liked director Jeon Go-eun’s work, and I trusted this person and accepted this person’s judgment and thinking as if it were a duel, so my brain became one.”

The comedy drama ‘LTNS’, which tells the story of a couple whose relationship has become estranged due to life, begins to blackmail an adulterous couple to make money, and in the process confronts their already ruined relationship, will be released through TVING.

iMBC Kim Kyung-hee | Screen capture Naver

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