‘LTNS’ Director Jeon Go-woon “It is difficult for actors to decide to appear in a work because of the high level, thank you for your courage.”

On the afternoon of the 6th, an open talk about TVING’s original series ‘LTNS’ was held on the outdoor stage of the Busan Cinema Center in Haeundae-gu, Busan. At the event, directors Jeon Go-woon, Im Da-hyung, Lee Som, and Ahn Jae-hong attended and talked about the work. (Haeundae, Busan = iMBC Entertainment Reporter Kim Kyung-hee)

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Director Jeon Go-woon said, “The beginning of LTNS was writing, and since we started with nothing with director Dae-hyeong Lim, we did not have ‘A Little Princess’ in mind. Director Dae-hyeong Lim said that it would be better if Lee Som and Jae-hong Ahn wrote the piece we wrote. “I was able to meet these two actors because of this,” he said, explaining the process of meeting the two actors again after ‘Little Princess’.

Director Jeon said, “The character Miso in ‘A Little Princess’ and Woojin in ‘LTNS’ are characters with contrasting temperatures, so I have never compared Lee Som’s past and present. He is an actor who always instinctively worries a lot, and this time he still does, so I just chose the character Woojin. “He was worried about how to express it in a more savory way,” he said, praising Esom, saying that he has become deeper as an actor and as a person.

He added, “This work is so high-level that it’s hard for the actors to decide to appear in it, but the actors had the courage to choose this work and made us even more passionate about it, to the point where we had to stop them. We can see that they are setting a higher standard for us.””There were many times when I felt like I was free riding,” he continued, praising Lee Som and Ahn Jae-hong.

Regarding collaborating with director Lim Dae-hyeong, director Jeon said, “At some point, I could tell just by making eye contact without saying a word. When I thought about it, being a director was a lonely and heavy job, but we ended up suffering less internal injuries to the point where I thought that directing should always be a collaboration.””I felt the pleasure of relying on it and creating it,” he said.

The comedy drama ‘LTNS’, which tells the story of a couple whose relationship has become estranged due to life, begins to blackmail an adulterous couple to make money, and in the process confronts their already ruined relationship, will be released through TVING.

iMBC Kim Kyung-hee | Screen capture Naver

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