‘My Boyfriend’ manager Kim Jung-hee turns out to be only 2 years older than Park Min-young. A heartwarming twist in her true character.

tvN ‘Marry My Husband’
tvN ‘Marry My Husband’
News and DB
News and DB

[News Reporter Park Soo-in]

Actress Kim Joong-hee made a mark with her sleazy licorice performance in ‘Marry My Husband’.

In the tvN Monday-Tuesday drama ‘Marry My Husband’ (written by Shin Yu-dam/directed by Park Won-guk, Han Jin-seon/planned by Studio Dragon/produced by DK E&M), Kim Joong-hee plays the manager of the team that Kang Ji-won (played by Park Min-young) belongs to, and is embarrassed and weak towards strong people. He added to the liveliness of the play by acting in an obnoxious manner, shouting loudly at people.

Kim Joong-hee especially realistically portrays the character of Kim Gyeong-wook, who is incompetent but has a stubborn personality and is full of entitlement towards his subordinates.

In the play, Kim Gyeong-wook, who disapproved of Kang Ji-won, a graduate of Hankuk University, ordered Kang Ji-won to re-park his car and sarcastically asked, “Isn’t this a job suitable for Korea University’s level?” In addition, he showed off his side as the ultimate old boss by saying to the employees who were in the break room with Kang Ji-won, “Did you come to the company to hang out?” and “We should blow up the break room or something.”

Meanwhile, Kim Gyeong-wook seemed to notify Kang Ji-won that he would proceed with Kang Ji-won’s meal kit plan under his own name. Then, the sight of him telling Kang Ji-won, who raised an objection, “You’re out of here,” enraged the viewers, and Kim Jung-hee showed off his presence by playing the role of Kim Kyung-wook, the obnoxious manager, in a humorous and natural way.

In particular, he bows his head and flatters in front of his manager Yoo Ji-hyuk (played by Na In-woo) and his only connection, managing director Wang Heung-in (played by Jeong Jae-seong), but he scolds Kang Ji-won and Yang Joo-ran (played by Gong Min-jeong), who are lower in rank than him, telling them to do as he tells them. He also showed the strength and weakness of his movements.

Afterwards, when the project that was carried out by Kang Ji-won’s idea and led by Wang Heung-in showed signs of success, he bowed and said, “Is there any other U&K icon with face and ability other than our Managing Director Wang?”It was truly a ‘king.’ Enough to express it.

Kim Joong-hee, who is equipped with such perfect character digestion ability, expresses the all-time old villain Kim Kyung-wook in detail and vividly as if he were a real person, leaving a strong impact on the small screen every week.

Meanwhile, in reality, Kim Joong-hee is two years older than Park Min-young, and is ‘Moving’, ‘Those Who Read the Heart of Evil’, ‘Fly Gae Cheon-yong’, ‘ ;Mung Bean Flower’, ‘Mr. Sunshine’, movie ‘Noryang: Sea of ​​Death’, ‘Cobweb’, ‘Ghost ‘, ‘Hero’ Appeared in etc. (Photo = tvN ‘Marry My Husband’, Newsen DB)

On the news, Park Soo-in abc159@

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