‘Oh Eun-young’s Gold Counseling Center’ Expectant father Sleepy’s concerns: “I’m afraid of having children because of money”… What’s the story?


Sleepy and Park Seul-gi will visit Channel A’s ‘Oh Eun-young’s Gold Counseling Center’, which is scheduled to air tomorrow (23rd) at 8:10 p.m.

Sleepy, who is the number one salty celebrity and is receiving the blessings of the entire nation, and Park Seul-gi, a national reporter and childcare assistant with 4 years of experience. Special MC Lee Soo-ji, who was congratulating Sleepy and Park Seul-gi who are about to give birth this spring, introduced that ‘Rookie’, which was taken from a famous line from the KBS comedy concert ‘Yellow Sea’, ‘Are you going to beg for food like this?’, was the given name of their 18-month-old son, and said that Sleepy and Seulgi Park asks what the baby’s birth name is. Accordingly, Sleepy’s name is ‘Cha Cha’, which is derived from ‘Little Red Riding Hood Cha Cha’ and ‘Banana Cha Cha’, and Park Seul-gi’s first name is ‘Bangtan’, which is taken from global star ‘BTS’, and the second name is ‘Grow Strong’ based on the character ‘Tan’. It is revealed that it was named ‘Tantani’, which means ‘.’

Next, Sleepy and Seulgi Park reveal that the gender of the fetus is a girl and reveal ultrasound photos of the fetuses of ‘Chacha’ and ‘Tantani’. Looking at the ultrasound photo of ‘Chacha’, Sleepy said, “Chacha is so pretty, her nose is sharp and her arms and legs are long,” and he already looks like a father to his daughter.

However, the warm atmosphere is short-lived. Sleepy, a father-to-be who is about to give birth to a child this spring, reveals his unexpected worry, saying, “I am afraid of having children because of money.” In response, MC Jeong Hyeong-don strongly sympathizes with Sleepy, saying, “I was like that too. Along with the joy of giving birth, it also came with a sense of responsibility.” He then revealed that at the time of the birth of his child, he was so busy that he had 106 schedules for three months, and that “I felt like my children would starve if I rested,”making him realize the weight of being the head of the family.

Sleepy explains why he felt financial burden by revealing that he suffered from financial difficulties for several years due to his family life being ruined due to the influence of the IMF in the past and not receiving payment for 10 years after debuting in the entertainment industry. She then confessed that Sleepy made her money by confessing her hardships and poverty through broadcasts, but in fact, she did not want to talk about her hardships and poverty on broadcasts. I’m letting go. She also revealed that although she suffered from negative comments from the public, she could not give up broadcasting as it was her livelihood, which made her feel sad. However, as the economic situation improved and the ‘salty’ character disappeared, the number of broadcast days decreased, and there were times when there was almost no income. As Sleepy continues to be responsible for her family’s livelihood, she said, “Wouldn’t it be possible to make money if I say I’m having a hard time again?”She reveals that she brings pity to her family at the counseling center..

Dr. Oh Eun-young, who was listening to the story, analyzed, “Money seems to be very important to Sleepy,” and explained that while fulfilling financial responsibilities is important for everyone, there is a need to look at the perspective on money broadly and deeply. She also cautions that if your perspective on money is shallow and narrow, you become more tied to it, and the more you become distant from it, she mentions ‘three attitudes toward money.’ In response, special MC Lee Su-ji made everyone laugh by saying, “I’m still a jerk because I don’t have money,” while Sleepy said, “I worship money,” making everyone sigh.

Dr. Eunyoung Oh revealed the results of the Sentence Completion Test (SCT) that she had previously tested to in-depth study Sleepy’s values ​​regarding money, saying, “What I always want is to make money,” and “If I want to be truly happy, I need money.” He explains that he wrote, “I earn a lot.” She goes on to say that the concept of money can change after experiencing something big related to money, and wants to hear Sleepy’s story about his childhood. Sleepy confesses that she was one of the richest people in her neighborhood until she was in her second year of middle school, but due to the influence of the IMF, her father’s business went bankrupt and a red ticket was put on her house, and she had to hide in a closet inside the house to avoid debt collectors coming to her house..

Special MC Lee Soo-ji, who was listening to Sleepy’s family story, confesses that she has a very similar family history to Sleepy’s. After the financial crisis weakened due to the IMF, debtors waiting for their parents were waiting in front of their house, so they expressed their fear of opening the front door to go to school every morning, making everyone feel sorry for them.

Meanwhile, when MC Jeong Hyeong-don asked Sleepy, “What kind of father do you want to be?” Sleepy answered, “I want to be a father who makes my child feel loved, a father who is like a friend.” Dr. Eun-young Oh then said that she brought the entire counseling center family to tears by reminding them of the values ​​that should not be forgotten as parents of children. It is interesting to see what kind of parenting solution Dr. Eun-young Oh will pass on to Sleepy, who could not be happy about the birth of her child because of money. is noted.

, a mental care program that solves the various concerns of everyone in the world from 0 to 100 years old, is broadcast every Tuesday at 8:10 pm on Channel A.

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