‘Original Handsome Boy’ Wang Geol “I’m in my 60s… I’ve become ugly, but I’m happy now” [Look@China]


[TV Report = Reporter Kim Hyeon-jae] Singer Wang Geol showed how he overcame a difficult past and enjoyed life.

After leaving the entertainment industry in 2017, he shocked people by revealing in a broadcast interview six years ago, “A few years ago, someone put poison in my food, and the poison damaged my vocal cords.”He expressed regret by saying, “It ruined my voice and it ruined my life.” Wang Geol had to wear a wig and appear on TV for a while due to hair loss symptoms that developed after that. “In less than three months, I only had 20% of my hair left,” he said, recalling his difficult past, saying, “Every day when I came home, I would look in the bathroom mirror and cry. During that time, the thing I was most scared of was going home and looking in the mirror.”

However, Wang Geol, who overcame difficult obstacles, is now enjoying his life. Dave, who released a new single ‘Zhe Chang You Xi Na Chang Meng’ last January, returned to the public by releasing an album called ‘Just’ on the 3rd.

In a recent interview with Chinese media outlet EToday, he said, “No matter what age you are, you should view it as that age. I like who I am now. I’m getting more and more ugly, but my life is comfortable now,”making people cheer for his comfortable life.

Reporter Kim Hyeon-jae khj@tvreport.co.kr / Photo = Discogs, Wang Geol social media

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