“Ryu Jun-yeol went through a hard time” The original guru Kang Dong-won’s name is even included in the ending credits of Part 2 of ‘Alien + Humans’

Kang Dong-won
Kang Dong-won
Kang Dong-won
Kang Dong-won
Director Kang Dong-won and Choi Dong-hoon
Director Kang Dong-won and Choi Dong-hoon

[News Reporter Bae Hyo-joo]

Kang Dong-won ‘Alien+Human’ His name is included in the ending credits of Part 2, garnering attention.

The second part of the movie ‘Alien + Human’ (Director Choi Dong-hoon) is a work that depicts the story of humans and gurus trying to save everyone by returning to the future while hidden secrets are revealed in the fierce battle for the new sword.

On January 18th, a movie talk with directors Kang Dong-won and Choi Dong-hoon was successfully held at the Lotte Cinema World Tower in Songpa-gu, Seoul. It attracted attention that Kang Dong-won, who played the role of the sly charmer Jeon Woo-chi in director Choi Dong-hoon’s previous film, Jeon Woo-chi, attended as a guest.

Kang Dong-won, who played the original guru, said, “Seeing Ryu Jun-yeol’s colorful actions as ‘Mureuk’ using wires in the movie, I thought he must have had a hard time,” and ‘Jeon Woo-chi’ I recalled the time of filming. Director Choi Dong-hoon said, “In ‘Jeon Woo-chi,’ the scene of ‘Jeon Woo-chi’ toying with the king continues through the Joseon Dynasty and modern times, but in ‘Alien+Human,’ it goes back even further than Joseon. I thought it would be nice, so I set it to Goryeo. Goryeo wore more colorful costumes and had a more personal social atmosphere than the Joseon Dynasty, and I wanted to incorporate those aspects into the work,” he said, conveying the similar yet different charms of the two films.

In addition, Kang Dong-won said about Yeom Jeong-ah, who plays the role of ‘Heukseol’, with whom he had worked with in ‘Jeon Woochi’, “Senior Yeom Jeong-ah is so nice and good at comic acting, so I always remember having fun while filming.. ‘Alien+Human’ ‘Heukseol’ and ‘Cheongun’ are the characters that make the movie the most special. “I never imagined that the two of you would get along so well, but it was so funny,” he said, praising the performance of the fresh duo who added cheerful energy to the movie.

Meanwhile, Kang Dong-won is an ‘alien+human’ His name was also included in the ending credits of Part 2. ‘Alien+Human’ The production team of Part 2 is ‘Jeon Woochi’ Due to fate, this ‘alien+human’ He was interested in the series and provided a lot of help, and GV also expressed its gratitude to Kang Dong-won, who willingly participated, through the ending credits. (Photo = CJ ENM)

Bae Hyo-joo hyo@ in the news

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