Sayuri “Appearing on ‘Idol Singles’? “I like single, young, unmarried men” (Unni Gwanjong)


[Reporter Lee Ha-na for Newsen]

Sayuri flatly rejected Lee Ji-hye’s offer to appear in ‘Idol Singles’.

On October 5th, the ‘Not Hateable Gwanjong Sister’ channel said, ‘Mom, let’s get some rest too! A video titled ‘Mothers’ 39+ Talk’ was released.

In the video, Lee Ji-hye’s best friends Sayuri and Jeong-in appeared and had a conversation. Jihye Lee asked Sayuri, her voluntary single mother, “What is it like living alone?”

Sayuri said, “If the child is the main dish, the side dishes are love. It’s good to have side dishes, but it’s not empty without them. I’m always open to opportunities, but I don’t feel like it. These days there is no romance at all. If you feel like this person is okay, ask yourself, ‘What would this person be like as a father?’, ‘What would he be like when he was with Jen?’ “I think,” he said.

Lee Ji-hye asked, “When you think about it now, is there anyone among the past who thinks this person would have been a good father to the child?” Sayuri, who said there was no such person at all, said, “If I get married, that person won’t be Zen’s dad from the beginning, right? “She wants him to have a baby too, but if I can’t have a baby, I want him to have a baby too,” she said.

Jihye Lee said, “It went well. “Do you want to appear on ‘Doll Singles’?” she asked. However, Sayuri firmly answered “NO” and said, “I like men who are young and have never been married. “I’m not married either,” she said, emphasizing that she was single.

In the news, Lee Ha-na bliss21@

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