[SC Issue] “From the acceptance speech to the fan meeting”… 16th generation singles, the reason why celebrity disease is scary


[Sports Chosun Reporter Ko Jae-wan] Celebrity disease is something celebrities are most wary of. ‘The illusion that everyone looks up to me.’ They say that once you fall into this, it is very difficult to get out. The whole body is floating in the sky, as if you won the lottery. It is ‘celebrity disease’.

However, it is no longer just celebrities who need to be careful of this celebrity disease. As public observation entertainment has gained popularity, public interest has increased among the general public, and signs of the spread of celebrity disease are clear. Celebrities train themselves to ‘not be shaken’ from the moment they decide to become celebrities, but for ordinary people, it can be even more serious because they come without even taking such precautions.

As in the case of the 16th group of ENA ‘I am SOLO’. Youngcheol and Sangcheol, who appeared on the 16th Single’s Special, received criticism for announcing paid fan meetings. Youngcheol announced on his personal account, “A fan meeting will be held at a chicken restaurant on the 9th, and the membership fee is 30,000 won. We will select 40 to 50 people on a first-come, first-served basis. Receipts can also come.”

When the controversy arose, Youngcheol immediately deleted the notice and wrote in a related comment, “The fan meeting has been cancelled. It was canceled because it seemed too dangerous.”

Youngcheol’s defeat lies in the word ‘fan meeting’. It is highly likely that such attacks would not have been received if the word ‘fan meeting’ had been not used and the announcement had been simply ‘social gathering.’ However, he used the word ‘fan meeting’, and using this word means that he deserves the diagnosis of celebrity disease.


Of course, before Youngsook’s remarks, it could have been dismissed as a simple mistake. However, after belatedly joining the YouTube channel Village Chief Entertainment TV’s ’16th LIVE’ broadcast after the last broadcast of the 16th season of ‘I am SOLO’ on the 4th, Youngsook stunned fans with a comment comparable to her acceptance speech.

On this day, he drew ‘aggro'(?) by announcing, “Turn on Labang (live broadcast) tonight. I’ll give you something big.”One fan asked, ‘Can the big thing be interpreted in a good way?’, and Youngsook replied, “Don’t be surprised, prepare your mind and turn on Labang. The last big thing should explode with something.” However, in ‘Labang’, he was shown rushing from Seoul Station to the ’16th LIVE’ venue and said, “The big thing is that I am participating in the live.”

Of course, if you made it this far, the term ‘celebrity disease’ wouldn’t have come out. Youngsook, who participated in the broadcast, said, “I will become a Baek Youngsook who can share the overwhelming love that the viewers have given me warmly and passionately, as you all told me. The reason I was able to come this far is because of the efforts of the viewers who have been watching me even at this time. “I think all of these miracles were possible. I sincerely thank you,” he said, embarrassing the faces of those who saw him with a greeting reminiscent of his acceptance speech at an awards ceremony.

Not only that. Instead, he started broadcasting the number of followers on his personal account to netizens who were curious about his relationship with Sangcheol. He explained seriously, “I had fewer followers than Sangcheol, but it turned around in the end.”

Lee Jun-gi recently appeared on tvN’s ‘You Quiz on the Block’ and confessed that he “had celebrity disease.”He said, “After the success of the movie ‘The King and the Clown,’ I suffered from celebrity disease. I thought I was really great and lived life as it went by. It was with the help of many people, but I realized that many people who gave me a chance could also be hurt and harmed.””I had a thought,” he confessed. However, it is not easy to escape celebrity disease with one’s own thoughts like Lee Jun-gi. It is even more serious because it not only causes harm to others, but can also make one’s own life become impoverished.

There is no medicine. There is no choice but to keep your mind straight and live.

Reporter Go Jae-wan star77@sportschosun.com

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