“They say it will be abolished in a hurry… ” ‘Okmunah’ In the last episode, Kim Jong-kook said, “It was hard to accept.”

Photo source = KBS
Photo source = KBS

[Sports Chosun Reporter Lee Jeong-hyuk] “It’s easy to accept a breakup if it’s worth it to break up. It was difficult to accept that it was being abolished in a hurry due to the situation, but…. “

406 guests, 1943 problems. ‘Problem Son of the Rooftop’, which started as a pilot in September 2018, has reached the end of its seven-year run.

“‘Okmunah’ has entered its 7th year. When Song Eun-i started saying, “My age changed while doing ‘Ok Moon-ah,’” Kim Jong-kook said, “Actually, it’s a program that I really liked too. “I heard there are 406 guests who have come to the rooftop room so far,” he said, surprising everyone.

Lee Chan-won, who has 30 fixed programs so far, said, “Isn’t there a program you’re attached to? ‘Ok Moon-ah’ is a show I can’t help but like. “Solving quizzes and answering questions and things like that,” he said, adding, “Okmunah” created a lot of connections and helped me build up a lot of knowledge and common sense in my head.”

In response, Song Eun-i said, “It all probably means the same thing.” Although we had a surprisingly large number of guests, we only solved 1,943 problems so far. “I digested almost 2,000,” he said, summarizing his seven-year journey.

On the 17th, to mark the end of the show, the cast had time to re-solve problems carefully selected by the production team from among the problems asked from episode 1 to last week, and then said their sad goodbyes.

Photo source = KBS
Photo source = KBS

Kim Jong-kook said, “It is easy to accept a breakup between lovers because it is worth the breakup. It was difficult to accept that it was being abolished in a hurry due to the circumstances, but it was a very good memory. He expressed his regret by saying, “I had fun broadcasting with many people I hadn’t seen in a long time, and I learned a lot.”

Jung Hyung-don said, “I remember everyone, including (Kim) Yong-man and (Min) Kyung-hoon, who were together in the first episode. “Thank you for all the love,” Kim Sook said, “It’s not easy to receive consistent love for 7 years. All my knowledge was in the rooftop. “Now I don’t know where to find my knowledge,” he regretted.

Song Eun-i also said, “I miss Yongman and Kyung-hoon, who have been with me from the beginning, and I am grateful. The guests who visited consistently said, “It was a much more comfortable place than it looked.” “I think we received a lot more love than what we did for him,” he said, adding, “We are grateful to the viewers for loving us so much, and if we get the chance, we will come as ‘Children in a Single Room’,” rather than saying goodbye forever. I looked forward to the day we would meet again.

In response, Jung Hyung-don also came up with an idea with ‘Children of the Bomb Shelter,’ and the production team put a warm end in the subtitles, saying, “We will try to accept your opinion’.
Reporter Lee Jeong-hyuk jjangga@sportschosun.com

Photo source = KBS
Photo source = KBS

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