“Together it’s more special”… ‘Ballerina’, a revenge drama created by the combined efforts of Jeon Jong-seo and Lee Chung-hyun [Comprehensive]

Lee Chung-hyeon, Kim Ji-hoon, Jeon Jong-seo, Park Yu-rim, and Gray (from left) attended the ‘Ballerina’ open talk.  yunhap news
Lee Chung-hyeon, Kim Ji-hoon, Jeon Jong-seo, Park Yu-rim, and Gray (from left) attended the ‘Ballerina’ open talk. yunhap news

Actor Jeon Jong-seo and director Lee Chung-hyeon combined work and love through ‘Ballerina.’ The two people, who are in a public relationship, came together to present this movie to the public. Actor Kim Ji-hoon expressed confidence by emphasizing that this is a work that will encourage people to watch it for the Nth time.

Director Lee Chung-hyeon, music director Gray, and Jeon Jong-seo, Kim Ji-hoon, and Park Yu-rim attended the 28th Busan International Film Festival’s ‘Ballerina’ open talk held on the outdoor stage of the Busan Cinema Center in Haeundae-gu, Busan on the 6th.

The Netflix movie ‘Ballerina’ is an emotional action revenge drama that tells the story of Ok-ju, a former bodyguard, chasing Pro Choi, who drove her precious friend Min-hee to death. Jeon Jong-seo played the role of Ok-ju. Park Yu-rim and Kim Ji-hoon played Min-hee and Choi Pro, respectively.

beautiful and fierce revenge

Director Lee explained that the genre of ‘Ballerina’ is action and noir. According to him, the narrative is not difficult. Rather, it is simple and clear. Director Lee said, “The process of revenge is beautiful yet intense, like a ballet performance.” He said that he tried to incorporate many cinematic elements into a simple narrative and said, “I thought it would be nice to have the feeling of seeing a woman’s performance while the process of revenge is beautiful and cruel, but at the same time.”

Gray stepped forward as a music director through ‘Ballerina’. Gray explained, “I always love content such as movies and series. I really wanted to challenge myself with movie music.” He said he wanted to do film music, and a month later he received an offer from ‘Ballerina’ and thought, ‘There’s no reason not to do it.’ Director Lee expressed his trust in Gray by saying, “It seems like the music director put his soul into our film.”

Actors who fell in love with ‘Ballerina’

Lee Chung-hyeon, Kim Ji-hoon, Jeon Jong-seo, Park Yu-rim, and Gray (from left) attended the ‘Ballerina’ open talk.  yunhap news
Lee Chung-hyeon, Kim Ji-hoon, Jeon Jong-seo, Park Yu-rim, and Gray (from left) attended the ‘Ballerina’ open talk. yunhap news

The actors of ‘Ballerina’ expressed their affection for the work. Jeon Jong-seo said, “I’ve played a lot of characters like Min-hee, where I didn’t know where they would go. Then, when I met Ok-joo, my opposite, I was excited and thought, ‘I can play a character like this too. That’s an action movie.’”He added, “I think it was even more special because I got to work with director Lee Chung-hyeon.”

From the moment Kim Ji-hoon read the script, he thought Pro Choi was an attractive villain. He explained, “There is a general pattern of villains, but I felt a point of differentiation.” Park Yu-rim said, “Minhee is a person who wanted to do ballet freely,” and she said, “While doing ballet, she focused on expressing Minhee’s concerns.”

Jeon Jong-seo and Park Yu-rim’s sweat

Jeon Jong-seo worked hard for the action scenes. He said, “There are several action scenes. There are sexual scenes like fighting naked in the mud, and there are scenes where Okju fights as if she doesn’t care if she dies. There are also scenes where Okju’s character is revealed to the extent that no explanation is needed about her style.”. Jeon Jong-seo tried to portray anger, longing, and sadness that this was all he could do through these action scenes.

Park Yu-rim performed ballet herself. He said, “Luckily, I was learning ballet as a hobby about five months ago before I came across the work ‘Ballerina.’ I was fortunate because I had some understanding of ballet.” He also said that he thought the ballerinas were amazing while filming, but that he felt frustrated at times. He added, “I received a lot of help from ballerinas.”

Director Lee expressed his confidence in the work that was completed with the actors’ sweat. He said, “I think you can watch it with peace of mind. I hope you can feel the revenge story that runs without stopping.”Music director Gray confessed, “‘Ballerina’ is a movie with a lot to enjoy. It’s frustrating to follow the emotional flow of the actors. I almost cried while making the music.”Jeon Jong-seo said, “I hope you watch it with fun and emotion.” Park Yu-rim said, “There are many interesting characters with strong personalities.” Kim Ji-hoon said, “There were a lot of things that felt new every time I watched it,” and guessed that there would be many people watching it for the Nth time.

Meanwhile, ‘Ballerina’ can be seen on Netflix from 4 PM on this day.

Reporter Jeong Han-byeol onestar101@hankookilbo.com

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