‘Towards a Brilliant Tomorrow’ Yoo Seon-hee “After Cannes, it’s overwhelming… Director Moretti is also happy” [BIFF]

Pianist and actress Yoo Seon-hee (provided by herself)
Pianist and actress Yoo Seon-hee (provided by herself)

(Busan = News 1) Reporter Seung-ah Ko = Pianist and actress Seon-hee Yoo (40), who is active in Italy, won the 76th Cannes Film Festival with Italian master director Nanni Moretti’s new film ‘Il Sol Dell’Avvenire’. Following the international film festival, we met the audience through the 28th Busan International Film Festival.

‘Towards a Brilliant Tomorrow’ was directed and starred by master director Nanni Moretti, and the film tells the story of a director who had experience shooting political films in the 1950s.

Yoo Seon-hee played the role of a Korean interpreter in the play, garnering favorable reviews and marking her successful debut as an actress. She was born in Korea and went to Italy to study. Yoo Seon-hee, who has been working as a pianist, met ‘Towards a Brilliant Tomorrow’ through a chance suggestion without ever having studied acting, and began her acting career. She became the first Korean to appear in Italy. Appearing in the movie adds special meaning.

In a recent written interview with News 1, Yoo Seon-hee shared her meaningful thoughts about her film being invited to this year’s Busan Film Festival following the 76th Cannes International Film Festival. At the same time, she also expressed her deep regret over not being able to visit the Busan International Film Festival this year.

Pianist and actress Yoo Seon-hee (left) and director Nanni Moretti (provided by me)
Pianist and actress Yoo Seon-hee (left) and director Nanni Moretti (provided by me)

-How have you been since the Cannes Film Festival?

▶I’ve been very busy. Even during the Cannes Film Festival, filming for the American Netflix drama continued until the end of June, and immediately after that, I filmed a short film in which I was the main character. Fortunately, I had some time off during the summer, but I immediately resumed my music activities and am currently performing and working on albums.

-After showing ‘Towards a Brilliant Tomorrow’ at Cannes, you received rave reviews. How do you feel about it?

▶I’m just amazed and grateful. I’m happy with the unexpectedly good responses, and I think I’ll have to work hard to live up to expectations in the future.

-Please tell us how you feel about your film ‘Towards a Brilliant Tomorrow’ being invited to the Busan International Film Festival in your home country.

▶Actually, having my work invited to the Busan International Film Festival is more heartwarming than being invited to the Cannes Film Festival. I think it’s even more so because my film was introduced to my home country. At the Cannes Film Festival, I felt like I had suddenly jumped into a world of ignorance, so it felt like I was just dreaming, but I had high expectations for the Busan International Film Festival, and I always miss Korea because it is a place that always has a faint feeling in my heart. At the same time, I feel special because I am proud as Korea’s status is becoming increasingly known throughout the world.

-What was the reaction of director Nanni Moretti and the other cast members regarding the invitation to the Busan Film Festival?

▶Everyone was happy. Because it is an opportunity for our film to become known to more people. Director Nanni Moretti said he couldn’t come because he was currently rehearsing for her first theater directing debut as a director. Actor Silvio Orlando, one of the main characters, was also invited to the Busan International Film Festival in the past, but was very disappointed this time, saying he could not go due to his schedule.

-You planned to visit Busan this time, but unfortunately it didn’t happen. Do you have any regrets?

▶It’s so disappointing. In particular, I had high expectations because the production company suggested that I must attend from the beginning because I am Korean, and as it is a large international film festival in my home country, I had high expectations that a film by a master Italian director would be introduced to Korea. However, unfortunately, I was unable to go because the album recording currently being prepared was a collaborative piece for piano and orchestra, so it was difficult to coordinate the schedule with the conductor and orchestra. I think it’s something I have to accept since I have to do both music and acting. I have visited Busan before, but I have never visited the Busan Film Festival, so I would like to visit again next time.

Actress Yoo Sun-hee and Italian director Nanni Moretti are arriving at the premiere of the film 'A Brighter Tomorrow' at the Cannes International Film Festival held at the Lumière Grand Theater in Cannes, France on the 24th (local time).  2023.5.25 ⓒ AFP=News1 ⓒ News1 Reporter Woo Dong-myeong
Actress Yoo Sun-hee and Italian director Nanni Moretti are arriving at the premiere of the film ‘A Brighter Tomorrow’ at the Cannes International Film Festival held at the Lumière Grand Theater in Cannes, France on the 24th (local time). 2023.5.25 ⓒ AFP=News1 ⓒ News1 Reporter Woo Dong-myeong

-Isn’t it difficult to be a pianist and an actor at the same time? I am curious about what kind of artistic inspiration these two activities provide in each field.

▶Of course, this is the difficult part. Although there are similarities in terms of the art expressed in the two fields, they are actually very different professions, so it was really difficult when I had to prepare and perform a performance while filming on set. The energy required when filming is different from that required when making music, but on set, as an actor, there are many additional elements other than acting, so there is a lot of waiting time, and personally, it is physically difficult. This is especially true when shooting at night. On the other hand, music is something I have always done, but it requires complete concentration and constant practice, so it requires a lot of time and complete dedication, so it is quite difficult to combine acting and music at the same time. However, since both fields are art of expression, I think it is a blessing that they provide artistic inspiration and interaction with each other, and it is a positive and positive rather than negative factor for me, a constant learning experience, and it fills not only my artistic world but also my life.

-Please say something to the audience who will see ‘Towards a Brilliant Tomorrow’ in Busan.

▶First of all, I think people who are fans of director Nanni Moretti will have high expectations, and I would like to say that this is a good work that lives up to their expectations. There may be some people who are somewhat unfamiliar with the director’s unique personality, but I hope people will view it with their own expectations as it features Koreans. One of the messages the director wants to convey through this movie is that even in the era of the OTT-centered video industry, movies must be seen in movie theaters. I hope many people go to movie theaters and see a good movie and feel like they had a good time.

-What kind of work do you think ‘Towards a Brilliant Tomorrow’ will remain for you?

▶As this is my first debut work, it is truly like my first love and a meaningful work. It was my first opportunity to enter this world, and I got to walk the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival through the work of director Daesu. Unfortunately, I couldn’t participate, but I was also introduced to the Busan International Film Festival, so I can’t help but feel great love. But above all, it’s a really good movie. I feel grateful to be a part of this movie.

Pianist and actress Yoo Seon-hee is walking on the red carpet at the premiere of 'A Brighter Tomorrow' held at the Lumière Grand Theater at the 'Falais des Festival' in Cannes, southern France, on the 24th (local time).  2023.5.25/News1 ⓒ News1 Reporter Lee Jun-seong
Pianist and actress Yoo Seon-hee is walking on the red carpet at the premiere of ‘A Brighter Tomorrow’ held at the Lumière Grand Theater at the ‘Falais des Festival’ in Cannes, southern France, on the 24th (local time). 2023.5.25/News1 ⓒ News1 Reporter Lee Jun-seong

-This year, as you officially began your career as an actor, you were able to visit major film festivals. What kind of year will 2023 be remembered for you?

▶This year is a turning point in my life. It was also a year full of emotions because a lot of things happened, I went to a big film festival that I had never even thought about before, and I got to work on various works as an actor in earnest.

-Please tell us about your plans for the rest of this year and your next work.

▶Early this year, he played a villain role in the movie ‘Sinapsi’, which is scheduled to be released at the end of this year. There are also a few proposed next projects that are still under review. I decided to focus on music in the second half of this year, so in addition to the album I am currently working on, I will finish with performances and preparations for a new piano solo recording to be scheduled for early next year. And I am just grateful for the opportunity given to me in my position, and I plan to quietly work hard each day and try to live my daily life with the expectation that there will be a ‘brilliant tomorrow’.


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