[TVis] ‘Nasol Four Seasons’ 9th Ok-soon, chosen as male number 3, says, “I have never met the first 7 characters of my resident registration number.”

Photo = SBS Plus, ENA ‘I am SOLO, after that love continues’ broadcast capture
Photo = SBS Plus, ENA ‘I am SOLO, after that love continues’ broadcast capture

The 9th episode of ‘Nasol Four Seasons’ Oksun revealed her true feelings about the choice of male number 3.

In SBS Plus and ENA’s ‘I Am SOLO, Afterwards Love Continues’, which aired on the 18th, the story of ‘I am SOLO’ Oksun and the ‘partner’ male cast members was depicted.

On this day’s broadcast, Male No. 3 chose Oksun from the 9th class. Oksun of the 9th class said, “It is an honor. “Director,” she said, making her laugh. In response, Man No. 3 said, “I am honored. Go out for a night out with a pretty girl. “I think it came out well,” he said.

In an interview with the production team, Male No. 3 said, “(9th generation Ok-soon) has a refreshing personality. She looks good and has a good personality. “She also likes working,” he said. However, Oksoon said, “She was honestly not the person I expected and she was a little disappointed. I had never met anyone with the first 7 letters, so I was biased. “I was embarrassed when that person came,” he said.

Meanwhile, ‘I am SOLO, after that love continues’ is broadcast every Thursday at 10:30 PM.

Reporter Lee Se-bin sebi0525@edaily.co.kr

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