‘Welcome to Samdali’ Shin Hye-sun, cleared of false accusations of abuse of power, should we watch Jo Yoon-seo’s downfall?

Provided by MI, SLL
Provided by MI, SLL

[News Reporter Park Soo-in]

There are only two episodes left until the end of ‘Welcome to Samdali’.

As viewers’ attention is focused on how the JTBC Saturday-Sunday drama ‘Welcome to Samdali’ (written by Kwon Hye-joo, directed by Cha Young-hoon and Kim Hyeong-jun, produced by MI and SLL) will end, we pointed out three key points to watch until the end.

#. Ji Chang-wook, who achieved the love of his life, will his dream come true?

Yong-pil (Ji Chang-wook) has never forgotten Samdal (Shin Hye-sun) in the eight years he has been away from her. Because he didn’t want to have three months in his life. As their love blossomed quietly in silence, she realized that Samdal also felt the same way and went straight ahead. Even when she faced a huge wall of opposition from her father Sang-tae (Yoo Oh-seong), she was confident that she would overcome it with the power of her love. I continued to knock on the door of Samdal and Sangtae’s heart, and finally the door opened and I was able to hold Samdal’s hand again. Yongpil, who overcame hardships and adversities with the power of love, now only has to grow his love by roasting sesame seeds. In the still cuts released in this regard, the two partners, who exude a more concentrated sweetness, attract attention. The two people, who do not want to be apart even for a moment and are always smiling, make even the audience’s clowns soar high into the sky. Another point of expectation is whether Yongpil, who has achieved his dream of three months and the love of his life, will be able to advance to the World Meteorological Organization in Switzerland, which he has dreamed of for a long time. As they have been supporting and encouraging Samdal’s dream, viewers continued to voice their hopes that his dream would also come true. This is why we cannot take our eyes off until the end to see whether that wish will come true.

#. Shin Hye-sun’s Soaring as ‘Cho Sam-dal’

Samdal also has a dream to come true. As Jo Sam-dal, not Jo Eun-hye, she is able to accomplish something she has never been able to accomplish before. At Yongpil’s recommendation, she applied to the photographer contest hosted by the Jeju Meteorological Administration, and was proudly elected. She has since been traveling around Jeju Island, taking photos related to meteorological phenomena. But a crisis loomed just three months ahead. Because of her inferiority complex and sense of entitlement, she was caught once again by Eun-ju (Cho Yoon-seo), who broke her wings. Three months later, Eun-joo called a reporter she knew after hearing the news that she had been selected as a photographer for the Jeju Meteorological Administration, which made her feel anxious. And it seems that the premonition was not wrong. In the preview video for episode 15, a scene where reporters flocked to the Jeju Meteorological Administration was broadcast. Attention is also focused on whether Jo Sam-dal will be able to safely open his first photo exhibition and take off brilliantly in the face of that crisis.

#. The Fall of Jo Yoon-seo (feat. Mysterious Scarf)

For that to happen, there is a problem that must be resolved. It is to correct the unfair accusation that Eun-joo placed on Sam-dal. While curiosity is growing about how to change public opinion, which already firmly believes that Samdal harassed her junior, suspicions about Eunju are surfacing one by one. It is said that he caused friction with the staff when he tried to use the scarf that caused a conflict with Samdal by pushing for something that did not fit the summer pictorial concept at another shooting site. What on earth is the secret contained in that blue scarf? Eun-joo, who is facing a backlash after her lack of skills has been revealed, is making a last-ditch effort by reporting on the three-month Jeju Meteorological Agency exhibition to a reporter. In her words, she is the point of observation that she is most curious about and wants to see.

Episode 15 of ‘Welcome to Samdali’ will be broadcast at 10:30 pm on the 20th. (Photo = MI, provided by SLL)

On the news, Park Soo-in abc159@

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