Will the ‘cries and tears’ of Bong Joon-ho and other colleagues move the world? Information on the investigation of the late Lee Sun-kyun ‘preliminary leak’ Investigation commencement [comprehensive]

'The demands of cultural artists facing the death of the late actor Lee Sun-gyun' held at the Korea Press Center on the 12th. Statement announcement press conference, Yoon Jong-shin is reading the statement. Reporter Heo Sang-wookwook@sportschosun.com/2024.01.12/
‘The demands of cultural artists facing the death of the late actor Lee Sun-gyun’ held at the Korea Press Center on the 12th. Statement announcement press conference, Yoon Jong-shin is reading the statement. Reporter Heo Sang-wookwook@sportschosun.com/2024.01.12/

[Sports Chosun Reporter Lee Jeong-hyuk] Will the cries and tears of director Bong Joon-ho and others over the unfortunate choice of the late actor Lee Sun-gyun move the world?

Attention is being paid to whether KBS, which refuses to delete related news, will change its position, or whether a system will be established to prevent second and third Lee Sun-kyun in the future.

The Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency has launched a formal investigation into how the deceased’s investigation information was leaked in advance.

Some media outlets reported that the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency’s Anti-Corruption and Economic Crime Investigation Unit was assigned the case and began investigating.

It is said that this began when the Incheon Police Agency, which was in charge of the deceased’s case, requested an investigation from the Gyeonggi Nambu Office, a neighboring local police agency, to investigate the circumstances surrounding the leak of investigative information.

The funeral of the late Lee Seon-gyun was set up at Funeral Hall No. 1 of Seoul National University Hospital in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 27th. His wife, Jeon Hye-jin, was named chief resident. The funeral took place on the 29th, and the burial place is Seonyeong, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do.<Photo=Photo Joint Reporting Group>” title=”The funeral of the late Lee Seon-gyun was set up at Funeral Hall No. 1 of Seoul National University Hospital in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 27th. His wife, Jeon Hye-jin, was named chief resident. The funeral took place on the 29th, and the burial place is Seonyeong, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do.</p><p><Photo=Photo Joint Reporting Group>” width=”1200″ height=”816″ loading=”lazy” class=”wp-image” src=”https://cdn.rubensays.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/20240119140359162bejp.webp”/><figcaption>            The funeral of the late Lee Seon-gyun was set up at Funeral Hall No. 1 of Seoul National University Hospital in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 27th. His wife, Jeon Hye-jin, was named chief resident. The funeral took place on the 29th, and the burial place is Seonyeong, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do. <Photo=Photo Joint Reporting Group><br />           </figcaption></figure><p>Previously, on the 12th, director Bong Joon-ho and other cultural artists raised the ‘demand of cultural artists facing the death of the late actor Lee Sun-kyun’ They issued a statement and called for an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the leak of investigative information.</p><p>They said, “The investigative authorities cannot be free from all of these responsibilities simply by saying that they investigated in accordance with legal procedures.”  He emphasized, “A thorough investigation into the investigation process is the only way to correct the wrong investigative practices and avoid creating second or third victims.” </p><p>Meanwhile, Lee Sun-kyun’s drug use charges were first reported on October 19 last year.</p><p>Lee Seon-gyun, who was converted to suspect status and booked as a criminal on October 14, was summoned by the police for questioning three times over the next two months.</p><p>On December 27 last year, four days after being summoned for the third time, Mr. Lee was found dead near Waryong Park in Jongno-gu, Seoul. In particular, it aroused controversy as it became known belatedly that Lee Sun-gyun requested a closed investigation ahead of the police investigation before his death, but it was not accepted. <br />Reporter Lee Jeong-hyuk jjangga@sportschosun.com</p>	</article>	<footer class=

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