YG donates 100 million won… Music therapy support for abused children [Official]

Photo = Provided by YG Entertainment
Photo = Provided by YG Entertainment

[News Reporter Lee Min-ji]

YG donated 100 million won to children who were victims of abuse.

YG Entertainment recently held a donation ceremony for the Save the Children music therapy support project for abused children, with YG Co-CEO Hwang Bo-kyung, Save the Children President Jeong Tae-young, and External Cooperation Department Head Kim Hee-kwon attending at its new building in Hapjeong-dong, Seoul..

The donation delivered on this day will be used to operate four specialized child protection institutions (Seoul, Bucheon, Ansan, and Ulsan) under the international children’s rights NGO Save the Children. In particular, we plan to build a music therapy room and operate customized treatment programs for children who have been victims of abuse, including music therapy and psychotherapy through language and play therapy.

In addition, YG and Save the Children promote the emotional stability and healthy growth and development of abused children by reducing the aftereffects of abuse through the ‘Music Therapy Support Project for Children Victims of Abuse’ and help them return to their daily lives. They promised active mutual cooperation to achieve this.

YG said, “We are very happy to have this meaningful opportunity to support the healthy growth of children and adolescents and contribute to society through music,” and added, “We sincerely hope that children who have experienced difficult times can return to their daily lives as soon as possible.” “Hopefully, we will continue to fulfill our social responsibilities through various social contribution activities,” he said.

In 2018, YG signed a social contribution program ‘WITH’ with Save the Children. We first met while co-running a campaign. Through this, we have carried out campaign promotion activities with our artists throughout the year to raise awareness of the difficult situation children around the world face and to encourage many people to participate in the promotion of children’s rights.

Minji Lee oing@ on the news

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