Yoo Jae-seok, sincerely exposed to Kim Jong-guk, “Are you taking your top off today?” Surprising remark (Jim Jong-guk)

Photo = Yoo Jae-seok (left) Kim Jong-guk/Channel ‘Jim Jong-guk’ capture
Photo = Yoo Jae-seok (left) Kim Jong-guk/Channel ‘Jim Jong-guk’ capture
Photo = Yoo Jae-seok (left) Kim Jong-guk/Channel ‘Jim Jong-guk’ capture
Photo = Yoo Jae-seok (left) Kim Jong-guk/Channel ‘Jim Jong-guk’ capture

[News Reporter Kwon Mi-seong]

Broadcaster Yoo Jae-seok revealed his true feelings about Kim Jong-kook’s topless appearance.

On January 18, a video titled ‘What do you do at a company dinner when you play? (Feat. What do you do when you play)’ was posted on Kim Jong-kook’s channel Jim Jong-kook.

In the video description, Kim Jong-kook said, “Isn’t this kind of spontaneous content another part of Jim Jong-guk’s charm? For the first time in a while, it’s not Haha’s store, but Haha and my store! “I visited Hongdae 401,” he said.

Kim Jong-kook then said, “Last time, while going to a New Year’s live performance, I was at 401 across the street and said, ‘What do you do when you hang out?’ “I stopped by briefly to hear about the team’s dinner party and picked up an interesting talk,” he said. “Unfortunately, the collaboration plan between Nolmum and Running Man didn’t work out!” “I wonder if we can light the fire once again!” he explained.

MBC entertainment ‘What do you do when you hang out?’ Cast members Yoo Jae-seok, Haha, Joo Woo-jae, Park Jin-ju, Lee Yi-kyung, and Mi-joo appeared on Jim Jong-guk’s channel.

When Yoo Jae-seok asked, “What kind of live are we doing today?”Kim Jong-kook said, “It’s a new year, so I’ll make some resolutions and talk about various things with my subscribers.”

Hearing this, Yoo Jae-seok made people laugh by saying, “Are you taking your top off today?”Yoo Jae-seok asked, “Aren’t you taking your clothes off?” To this, Kim Jong-kook showed a bewildered reaction, saying, “Why are you taking off your top?”

Regarding Kim Jong-kook’s channel activities, Yoo Jae-seok revealed, “It’s so funny that he now talks on his own channel,”and, “In the past, when I was doing X-Men, I was the kid who kept my mouth shut and didn’t talk.”

Kim Jong-kook said, “In the past, this was just our behind-the-scenes, but MBC entertainment show,”Goal achieved! Saturday – It started with Star Survival, Living Together and Enjoying Together. “At that time, Jaeseok hyung helped me a lot,” he said, thanking him.

After hearing this, Yoo Jae-seok said, “It was before my heart was so wide open as it is now.” Kim Jong-kook recalled the time, saying, “My personality is actually MBTI ISFP, but I was embarrassed.”

Kim Jong-kook added, “I’ve relaxed a lot since doing variety shows with Jae-seok.”

Misung Kwon in the news misung@

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