Yoo Ji-yeon, “I’ve been living with my mother-in-law Sami-ja for 30 years, but I don’t feel like she’s her real daughter” (Morning Yard)

(Capture from KBS 1TV Morning Yard)
(Capture from KBS 1TV Morning Yard)

[News Reporter Seo Seung-ah]

Actress Samizawa and actress Yoo Ji-yeon showed off their candid remarks.

On KBS 1TV’s ‘Morning Yard’, which aired on the 19th of this month, a Happy Friday twin party was held, and actress Yoo Ji-yeon and actress Sami-ja appeared as guests.

On the broadcast, announcer Kim Jae-won commented, “Samija recently underwent surgery, and I think it must have been difficult for my daughter-in-law, Yoo Ji-yeon, to take care of her.” Yoo Ji-yeon responded, “It’s not a day or two, but I think the answer is that even though I know about 10 miles of water, my mother-in-law doesn’t.” He answered.

Also, when the two were asked questions such as ‘I feel like my daughter-in-law is like my daughter’ and ‘I feel like my own daughter’, Sami-ja turned around after a while and agreed to the question, ‘I feel like my daughter-in-law is like my daughter.’ On the other hand, Yoo Ji-yeon checks to see if her mother-in-law, Sami-ja, has turned and she reluctantly turns and agrees to the question, saying, ‘She feels like her own daughter.’

Announcer Kim Jae-won, who saw this, said, “‘Why am I a daughter? She joked, saying, “A daughter-in-law is a daughter-in-law?” Samija burst into laughter by saying, “Usually when I ask my daughter-in-law, ‘Why do you look so pretty today?’ she replies, ‘You’re always pretty.’”

In addition, Samija said, “I recently realized that my daughter-in-law is better than my biological daughter who is married and living far away. It has been 30 years since her daughter-in-law came to our house as a co-destiny. My daughter-in-law and I think it’s fate. “I think my daughter-in-law and I can live together for about 10 years. I am a Blue Dragon zodiac sign, and I have decided to have a broader mind starting this year,” she explained.

Yoo Ji-yeon continued, “My mother and I only talk about what to eat for lunch. While eating breakfast, you think about what to have for lunch. For those who eat it, it’s convenient and good, but for those who cook it themselves, it’s too stressful. Don’t expect too much, but I hope you will consider my position. What I especially wish for is my mother-in-law’s health. “Being healthy is best,” he emphasized. (Photo = Capture from KBS 1TV ‘Morning Yard’)

In the news, Seo Seung-ah nellstay87@

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