’15 kg loss’ Lee Dae-ho said, “I didn’t lose weight for broadcasting, the secret is… ” (Golden Counseling Center)


(Exports News Reporter Hyunji Yoon) Former baseball player Lee Dae-ho revealed his recent loss of 15kg.

Former baseball player Lee Dae-ho appeared on Channel A’s ‘Oh Eun-young’s Golden Counseling Center’, which aired on the 21st.

On this day, MC Jeong Hyeong-don released a photo saying there was a “Lee Dae-ho gangster theory.” Lee Dae-ho asked, “Aren’t you a bodyguard and not a gangster?”

In the photo, Lee Dae-ho is taller than the bodyguard, holding a baseball bat, and looks intimidating just by his presence. When asked if what he was holding in his hand was a bat, he replied, “I carry a bat to work because I’m a baseball player.”

Despite the joke that it was an arrest photo, he showed a calm appearance, saying, “It’s a photo from work.”


Oh Eun-young then asked, “I lost a lot of weight,” and Lee Dae-ho said, “I lost about 15 kg.” First of all, you shouldn’t eat it. “I eat one lunch and exercise in the morning and evening,” he said.

Lee Dae-ho, who said, “I didn’t lose weight for the broadcast,” said, “I controlled my weight before the season, but I gained a lot of weight after I retired. “So he went on a diet,” he said.

Lee Dae-ho, who went on the air as soon as he retired, also took on the role of MC for a mukbang program, and expressed his confidence, saying, “I will show you on the next broadcast.”

Photo = Channel A

Reporter Hyunji Yoon yhj@xportsnews.com

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