Alec Baldwin charged with manslaughter for second time in shooting death on set

Alec Baldwin
Alec Baldwin

[News Reporter Park Soo-in]

American actor and director Alec Baldwin has been charged with involuntary manslaughter for the second time.

On January 19 (local time), the New York Post, an American media outlet, reported that Alec Baldwin was starring in the movie ‘Rust’ It was reported that he was charged a second time with involuntary manslaughter following a shooting that occurred on set.

In 2021, Alec Baldwin released ‘Rust’ While practicing a scene where a prop pistol was fired in rehearsal, a live bullet was fired, and cinematographer Halyna Hutchins died after being hit.

According to reports, the indictment states, “Alec Baldwin caused the death of Harleyna Hutchins by committing acts with complete disregard for the safety of others.”

Regarding this, Alec Baldwin said, “I didn’t know there were live bullets in the pistol.” He claimed, “I never pulled the trigger.”This runs counter to the FBI’s ruling that “if the bansch was never pulled, it could not have been fired.”

Alec Baldwin was indicted on charges of manslaughter in April last year, but the charges were dropped and he was not tried.

On the news, Park Soo-in abc159@

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