Baek Ji-young, passionate about education..”Trying again to enroll my 7-year-old daughter in a private kindergarten”[Oh!Shen Point]


[OSEN=Reporter Kim Na-yeon] Singer Baek Ji-young revealed her passion for sending her daughter to a private kindergarten.

On the 19th, Baek Ji-young’s official channel said, “Watch it when you don’t have an appetite!” Celebrity secret dishes that will restore your appetite! A video titled “(Cooking Tips, Pancakes)” was uploaded.

On this day, Baek Ji-young presented a pancake dish suitable for the holiday with a staff member who said that her husband does not cook on holidays because he is the youngest.

While sending a message, Baek Ji-young asked, “Did you say you have a baby?” and the staff member answered, “No.” Then, to the question, “Are you going to have a baby?” he responded, “I don’t have any plans yet.” “People around me said it would be good to have a baby,” she said.

In response, Baek Ji-young said, “It’s so good.” it’s tough. It’s hard, but it’s so good. So, I guess they gave birth to two or three. I keep forgetting. How difficult it was. I have a feeling that I am pregnant with a child. “It’s very mysterious and you shouldn’t say anything to me,” she scolded the male staff member in front of her, saying, “Anyway, you’re dead and you can’t even wake up.” However, the male staff member left Baek Ji-young speechless by mentioning a case of male pregnancy, saying, “I heard there is a success story overseas.”


The staff asked, “Don’t you feel uncomfortable when you’re pregnant?” and Baek Ji-young said, “It makes you feel very uncomfortable.” During the last month of the month, I cannot sleep while lying down. “If you lie down on your side, the baby will wriggle as you lie down,” she said, adding, “Only someone who has been pregnant can tell that feeling.”

In particular, at the end of the video, Baek Ji-young shared her New Year’s goal, saying, “Haim will try to enter a private school again in 2024.”At the same time, she asked the book that gave her the prophecy, “Do you think Haim will be accepted to a private kindergarten?”She opened the book and saw that it was written, “If you are neglectful of me, you will be neglectful of everyone.”She looked at it. dragged. Baek Ji-young said, “You don’t understand what I’m saying, are you?”and “I turned it around and said, “Sigh and think about it after you wake up,””making people laugh.


[Photo] Baek Ji-young YouTube

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