Bosch unveils technology to help consumers use energy sustainably at CES 2024

Bosch is driving the electrification of its technologies and solutions for sustainable energy use, whether on the road or at home, and sees hydrogen as a key player in meeting global energy needs in a climate-neutral way. At CES 2024 in Las Vegas, Bosch will showcase technologies and applications that will ultimately make life easier, safer and more convenient for the planet, as well as more sustainable. Global energy consumption has doubled over the past 50 years and is increasing by approximately 2% per year[1]. Fossil fuels currently account for approximately 80% of global energy consumption. This is a critical issue when considering climate change.


At CES 2024, Bosch Group Board Member Tanja Rückert said: “To meet future global energy demands in a more resource-efficient way, Bosch is rethinking its energy use and focusing on a two-pronged approach: electrification and hydrogen. there is. For a low-carbon future, Bosch is optimizing the use of existing energy sources by driving electrification in mobility, commercial buildings and homes. “We are also taking advantage of new, sustainable energy sources, in which hydrogen plays a central role.”


Innovative Bosch technology enables more efficient electrification
Electrification has already made significant progress, especially in the mobility sector. Bosch is a leading supplier of the entire electromobility value chain: from chips, e-axles and electric motors to battery technology, charging stations and numerous services. Automated valet charging, one of the innovative technologies Bosch is showing at CES, received the CES® 2024 Innovation Award honoree from the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). An electric vehicle equipped with this new technology can drive itself from a parking lot equipped with automated valet parking to an empty parking space with a charging space. By pressing just one button on the smartphone, the robot charges the battery without additional human intervention. Once charging is complete, the vehicle moves unmanned to another parking space so that the next vehicle can charge. “The unique combination of Auto Valet Charging and Auto Valet Parking makes Bosch a pioneer in this market,” said Tanja Rückert, Bosch Group Board Member. “With each passing year, not only the attractiveness but also the acceptance of electric mobility increases,” he said.


This is another reason why Bosch is focusing on the innovative semiconductor material silicon carbide (SiC), a key component of electrified mobility. As electromobility increases globally, demand for these specialized semiconductors is rapidly increasing. Bosch has been producing SiC chips at its wafer fab in Reutlingen, Germany since 2021 using a highly complex process it has developed in-house, and is currently spending more than $1.5 billion on an additional wafer fab located in Roseville, California, USA. I am investing. This move strengthens Bosch’s global semiconductor production network. Bosch’s goal is to begin production of SiC chips in the United States in 2026 and increase production tenfold in the next few years. In electric vehicles, SiC chips reduce energy loss by up to 50%, increasing driving range and making charging more efficient. Additionally, you can drive farther on a single battery charge, with an average of up to 6% more driving range than when using a silicon-based chip.


Heat pumps optimize energy efficiency in the home
Another highlight from Bosch at CES 2024 is the IDS Ultra Heat Pump, developed specifically for North America. am. Unlike existing models, this heat pump provides 100% heating capacity down to outside temperatures of 5 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 15 degrees Celsius) and can operate down to temperatures as low as -13 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 25 degrees Celsius). This is a very attractive option for those looking to switch from fossil fuel-based heating systems to electric heating systems, especially in cold climates in the United States or Canada. This transition not only saves energy but also costs. Bosch has also succeeded in applying heat pump technology to other fields. At CES 2024 in Las Vegas, Bosch will present the most efficient hybrid water heater that combines an electric storage water heater and a heat pump, providing 3-4 times more efficient performance than conventional water heaters on the market. “With these solutions, Bosch is paving the way to electrified homes and helping them save money and energy,” said Mike Mansuetti, President of Bosch North America.


A variety of new features in Bosch home appliances, including ovens, dryers and washing machines, are also contributing to this transition. In the meantime, it was common for home appliance users to use the timer function to set the start time of home appliances. Bosch went one step further and introduced MySchedule for the first time in its latest dishwashers. Function installed. This feature automatically sets the start of the wash cycle when electricity prices are lowest or green electricity is available. Also at CES 2024, Bosch announced new partners for its power tool battery platform, AMPShare. Bosch’s AMPShare, which currently has more than 30 global partners, is a cross-brand battery system that gives industry professionals the flexibility to switch between multiple brands of professional tools without the need to replace batteries.


Bosch proposes hydrogen as a pillar of future mobility
In addition to electrification, Bosch sees hydrogen as a key energy source to meet global energy demand in a resource-efficient manner. there is. Moreover, hydrogen as a storage medium can promote efficient use of energy generated from renewable energy sources. Bosch is investing extensively in technologies needed for the entire hydrogen value chain. The current focus is mobile fuel cells, whose mass production recently began in Stuttgart, Germany. This is the core of the powertrain system for large vehicles. Bosch has already received its first orders from truck manufacturers in Europe, the United States and China. Additionally, Bosch is developing components for hydrogen engines that convert fuel directly into energy without first converting it to electricity. If green hydrogen is used as the power source, this engine is virtually a carbon neutral engine. This hydrogen engine (H2 engine) is scheduled to be introduced in 2024. Countries and industries around the world are investing in hydrogen technology. For example, the U.S. government is pursuing the development of hydrogen infrastructure and is investing $7 billion in the construction of hydrogen hubs. “Hydrogen hubs are a critical component in building hydrogen infrastructure,” said Mike Mansuetti, president of Bosch North America. Bosch supports these measures and is exploring participation in many of these hydrogen hubs. Bosch’s goal is to help advance the clean energy economy in North America. “This is an area where we can contribute with our expertise in hydrogen production and supply.”


Software opens the way to greater convenience and energy efficiency
Bosch is focusing on the use of software and digitalization across all sectors. We currently have more than 44,000 employees working in software development and aim to lead the way to software-driven mobility. At CES 2024 in Las Vegas, Bosch will present new products and solutions together with its strategic partner Amazon Web Services. These include fully automated connected espresso machines that can be controlled from the car using voice assistants such as Alexa, and point-of-interest assistants that use in-car cameras to recognize which restaurant or cafe the driver is looking at based on their eye movements. (point-of-interest assistant) is included. This voice assistant automatically informs the driver in real time whether the restaurant is open and whether there are empty tables.

Bosch will also introduce two new mobility services at CES 2024, Battery Health Certification Service (Usage Certificate To Go) and Vehicle Health Service. First, the battery health certification service (Usage Certificate To Go) is Bosch’s already established ‘Battery in the Cloud’ It is added to the service. This feature analyzes battery data, determines battery health, and helps extend battery life by up to 20% through optimization. Second, the Vehicle Health Service, a service targeting logistics service providers (fleet operators), provides functions designed to prevent vehicle breakdowns, among other things. The above two innovations aim to extend the service life of vehicles and save resources. Bosch has a similar approach in the buildings sector. Bosch is providing digital services to improve efficiency such as ‘Nexospace Energy Manager’ for the European market. It helps customers analyze their energy supply and usage and develop specific measures to optimize and reduce consumption. For example, global supermarket chain REWE was able to reduce consumption by up to 20% in more than 2,000 stores with the help of Nexospace Energy Manager. Meanwhile, in the manufacturing sector, Bosch’s services help to save significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) by increasing efficiency. Decarbonize Industries, an AI-enabled software-based service developed by Bosch with partners, helps manufacturers reduce their carbon footprint and achieve significant cost savings.

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