‘Elegant Empire’ Son Seong-yoon “Lee Si-kang’s miserable death…paid for his sin” [Byulbyeol TV]

[Star News | [Reporter Kim Ji-eun]

/Photo='Elegant Empire' screen capture
/Photo=’Elegant Empire’ screen capture

Actors Son Seong-yoon, Han Ji-wan, and Kang Yul watched Lee Sikang die in vain before their eyes.

The KBS 2TV daily drama ‘Elegant Empire’ aired on the 19th. In the last episode, Jang Ki-yoon (played by Lee Si-kang) died without any reflection.

On this day’s broadcast, Jang Ki-yoon belatedly realized that Tak Seong-gu (played by Lee Kyu-seong) had broken the car’s brakes and fell off a cliff while trying to avoid Hong Hye-rim (played by Kim Seo-ra) in front of him.

Soon after, the crashed car exploded, and Hong Hye-rim, who saw this in front of her eyes, screamed out Jang Ki-yoon’s name. Afterwards, Seo Hee-jae said, “I can’t believe Jang Ki-yoon is leaving in vain like this.” I thought I would meet a miserable end like this. I had to turn around. If she had done that, she wouldn’t have ended up like this, she said, with a sympathetic look in her eyes.

In response, Jacqueline Taylor (Son Seong-yoon) said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t want to sympathize with Jang Ki-yoon because he died so miserably. “Jang Ki-yoon got paid for his sins,” he said rationally.

He continued, “Because of Jang Ki-yoon, Na Seung-pil (played by Lee Sang-bo) died, and my sister and your brother died. Also, too many people died because of Jang Ki-yoon. “I’m glad Jang Ki-yoon went to hell now,” he said coldly.

Reporter Kim Ji-eun star@mtstarnews.com

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