‘Flowers that bloom at night’ Lee Jong-won catches the collapsing roof and saves Lee Ha-nui and the old man [TV Now]

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[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok] ‘Flowers that bloom at night’ Lee Jong-won saved Lee Ha-nui and the old man.

In episode 3 of the SBS Friday-Saturday drama ‘Flowers that Bloom at Night’ (written by Lee Saem, directed by Jang Tae-yu), which aired on the night of the 19th, Park Soo-ho (Lee Jong-won) was shown saving Jo Yeo-hwa (Lee Honey).

Jo Yeo-hwa, who brought a meal for her grandmother, who appeared to have starved all day, witnessed the roof about to collapse where she was.

Without hesitation, he rushed in to save the weak old man and hugged him, but the roof did not collapse, so he raised his head up.

The person who saved Cho Yeo-hwa was none other than Park Soo-ho. He held on to the collapsing roof with his bare hands, and Park Soo-ho evacuated Jo Yeo-hwa and the old man, saying, “It’s dangerous, so get out quickly.”

After saving the two people, he suddenly disappeared, and Jo Yeo-hwa looked at the back of Su-ho Park leaving.

Yoo Geum-ok (Kim Mi-kyung) pointed out to Jo Yeo-hwa, “I’ve repeatedly told you to behave properly,” and Oh Nan-kyung (Seo Yi-sook) said, “You are truly a great daughter-in-law.” “She deserves to be an example,” she praised.

[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok news@tvdaily.co.kr/Photo = MBC ‘Flowers that bloom at night’]

flowers that bloom at night

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