‘Goal-scoring girl’ FC World Class has changed dramatically, with members from Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK joining

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[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok] ‘Goal-scoring girl’ Ahead of the opening of the Super League, FC World Class members undergo a cataclysmic change.

In the SBS entertainment program ‘Girls Who Hit Goals’, which will be aired on the 22nd, the opening match of the 4th Super League, a league of fighters heading for the championship cup, will be revealed.

This match is a match between FC World Class, which is called a traditional powerhouse and has been active in the Super League, and FC Streaming Fighter, which has shown remarkable growth by successfully being promoted to the Super League just one season after its founding. The two teams will face each other for the first time in the opening match of the 4th Super League. In particular, FC World Class advanced to the semifinals of the Super League each time and won silver and bronze medals, but failed to win the championship cup as they fell before first place each time.

In FC World Class, half of the team members were changed as a large number of new faces were introduced due to the departure of key players Eva, Elodie, and Lara. The new members who were urgently deployed to FC World Class were revealed to be Agi, a strong kicker from Germany, Karain, a 177cm tall model from the Netherlands, and Ianu, a strong new force force keeper from England. Accordingly, coach Oh Beom-seok evaluated the new members as “they lack the basics of soccer, but they have high development potential and will be able to grow quickly.”

With the recruitment of new keepers, FC World Class’ goalkeeper Kesey will advance to the field in the game. Kesey not only plays the role of the final defender on the field, but also aims to score goals using mid-range shots and set pieces. In addition, the terrifying joint attack play of the ‘Kenaori Combination’, which was created by joining Keshi in the core of the attack, ‘Naori’, is revealed. Natty said, “We are always a team in the Super League. He even reveals his resolute determination, “I will show you why in this game.”

The new FC World Class can be seen on ‘Goal Hit Girl’, which airs at 9pm on the 22nd.

[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok news@tvdaily.co.kr/Photo provided by SBS]

Those girls who hit goals

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