Haha, clarification of rumors about part-time job at Jinjarim store as “content that was not discussed” [Full text]

Photo = Haha/News&DB
Photo = Haha/News&DB

[News Reporter Lee Min-ji]

Singer and broadcaster Haha released a statement regarding the rumor about creator Jin Ja-rim’s part-time job at the store.

Recently, Jin Ja-rim was embroiled in a controversy over commercial ethics regarding the opening of Tanghulu store. He prepared to open his own Tanghulu store right next to the Tanghulu store that was already in operation. In the process, it was even said that he lied about it being a Tanghulu store.

Jin Ja-rim also talked about the opening of Tanghulu store on her personal broadcast and introduced the people she wanted to invite as part-time workers, and in this process, Haha’s name also appeared.

Afterwards, this list was spread online like a list of prospective part-time workers at Tanghulu store, and some netizens even left negative comments on Haha.

On January 18, Haha’s side drew a line through the official channel community, saying, “After checking with the person, we would like to inform you that we first heard of this content through a report and that it was not discussed in advance.”

He continued, “We, Kwan Entertainment and Haha, would like to express that we have no plans for any activities related to this,” and asked, “Please refrain from further reckless speculation and malicious slander.”

Below is Haha’s full statement:

hello. Haha, this is PD.

We would like to express our position regarding the recent mention of Haha in Jin Ja-rim’s personal broadcast on the list of daily part-time workers at Tanghulu Store. After checking with Haha, we would like to inform you that we first heard about this content through the press and that it was not discussed in advance. This content has also been conveyed to Jinjarim’s side.

Additionally, we at Kwan Entertainment and Haha would like to state that we have no plans for any activities related to this.

There are currently too many speculative comments with unconfirmed content, so please refrain from further reckless speculation and malicious slander.

Minji Lee oing@ on the news

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