‘I live alone’ Kyuhyun “Lose 6kg with diet japchaebab” [TV On Air]

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[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok] ‘I live alone’ Singer Kyuhyun mentioned Japchaebap as his secret to dieting.

Kyuhyun’s daily life was revealed in the MBC entertainment program ‘I Live Alone’, which aired on the 19th.

On this day, Kyuhyun said, “It’s been five and a half months since I lived alone. He revealed, “I have been living in a dormitory for the past 17 years and 2 months.” Kyuhyun’s refrigerator attracted attention with its neat appearance. Everyone could not help but admire the sight of the vegetables being subdivided and separated by date. In addition, there were two computers and two refrigerators in his house.

He said, “The last time I bought clothes was three or four years ago. “I am rather interested in electronic devices and ample refrigeration space,” he said. Kyuhyun introduced japchae rice through diet cup ramen. He said, “There are diet recipes on the Internet. “It’s better than I thought,” he said, explaining the simple diet japchae rice.

Kyuhyun ate grilled duck meat with the japchae rice he made, and Lee Jang-woo, who saw this, said, “If you eat this, you’ll lose weight,”and Jeon Hyun-moo said, “You should only eat that.”and stated the fact. Kyuhyun then ate while watching an internet game broadcast. He saw himself wiping his mouth from time to time and said, “Why are you wiping it like that?”I didn’t know it was like that. “My mouth is going to be dry,” he said, causing laughter.

After eating, he watched a video of an economics lecture. Kyuhyun said, “I’m not looking to buy something, but I’m looking at it because I want to know what’s going on these days.” He played the game with the floating lecture lecture on. Kyuhyun said, “I think I have an obsession. Doing only one thing at a time is a waste of time. “I can’t understand one thing 100%, but I can understand it to some extent,” he said, explaining his actions.


Kyuhyun then changed the genre to a horror video after an economics lecture video and played the game until 2 o’clock. He headed to the bathroom with his cell phone and tablet, and watched the video content even while taking a shower before going out.

What greeted Kyuhyun after washing up was a cosmetics refrigerator. Jeon Hyun-moo exclaimed, “This is the first time I’ve seen a man use that,” and Rainbow members couldn’t hide their surprise, saying, “It’s annoying to even use cosmetics.” After blow-drying his hair, Kyuhyun dressed neatly.

However, the place he was heading to was a supermarket, and the Rainbow members were taken aback by the fact that it was an unfortunate place to go after dressing up, and Kyuhyun appealed, saying, “I don’t usually decorate.”

[TV Daily Reporter Kim Jin-seok news@tvdaily.co.kr/Photo = MBC ‘I live alone’]

I live alone

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